I think we all know what this first picture means:
If you guessed that, in addition to the title, this dish contains pumpkin in it? You’re right! See, I like to make things nice and easy on Fridays…no trick questions here! Especially not when I bidding my handsome, amazing and wonderful husband a see-you-on-Sunday at 5:30AM to head to the airport. Yeah, we’re going to keep things simple here for now.
You’ll rarely hear me say this, but there are problems that come with being a food blogger. One is always thinking in terms of recipes even when other people are talking to you and you should be paying attention. Couple that with a dash of pregnancy brain and I think you guys get the drift: I’ve been a little spacey lately.
The other “problem” is that sometimes desserts that only feed 2 (or 1 or 4…depends on the who) can be hard to come by. They require this thing called “thinking” and I “think” that if you read the above short paragraph you’ll see that’s a problem for me right now. I swear, the baby is stealing all of my brainpower.
So what does one do when faced with problems like always making too much dessert? Scale it back a little and make something smaller. Well looky there! Guess the baby didn’t take too much brainpower…not this time anyway.
(or one or four…you get the idea)
- 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 egg white
- 2 Tbsp milk
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 cup flour
- 3 Tbsp chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350. In a bowl whisk together the oil, pumpkin, sugar, egg white, milk and vanilla until well mixed. Fold in the salt, baking soda, baking powder, and flour until just moistened. Then fold in the chocolate chips until evenly combined. Spray an individual ramekin that is about 3 inches deep and about 5 inches wide (mine’s an oven-safe soup ramekin). Pour batter in and bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cool for about 20 minutes before removing from ramekin and cutting.
Like I said guys, nice and easy. No one wants to see a scatter-brained, lost, emotional pregnant woman at the airport….
I’m not pregnant, but I might house this in one sitting. It looks delicious!
I love that these are small enough for 1, the idea of having an entire cake to myself (or to share with 1) makes it seem that much more yummy
Oh wowwww Heather! This seriously looks shooo delicious, pretty, and fun! 🙂
This is one of my favorites! I love it!
Mmm that looks lovely, and I love that it’s just a little cake for two 🙂
Having said that it’d probably end up being a cake for one if it tastes as good as it looks! 😛
I think in my world this would be just for one!
now….it wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to make this and eat it all by myself, right?
Yummmm! I’m thinking I’ll have to make these asap!
Aw – you made me chuckle and want to hug you when you said “No one wants to see a scatter-brained, lost, emotional pregnant woman at the airport….”
These cakes look incredible! And living alone I’m always looking for smaller portioned desserts; I can easily eat enough for two 🙂
One, definitely for one 😉
I love this small size! Sounds sooooo delicious. And I totally get what you mean about losing brain power. I feel like right when I got pregnant my memory went from bad to totally gone!
Oh that looks delightful! Although I just can’t get use to canned pumpkin, it’s one of those things where I’m a total snob about cutting up my own pie pumpkin and pureeing it. 🙂 Maybe I should give the Libby’s stuff a try though, it would definitely save some time.
I completely understand this. Baking confuses me and I never know how to scale down a recipe. Well, other than cut it in half. So I get just how difficult it is to have a recipe for 2!
I have a can of pumpkin sitting in my cabinet, all lonely. Now I know exactly what I want to use it for! Thank you 🙂 This will be the perfect first-weekend-in-November treat!
These are adorable! They look so tasty!
Yum!! I’m always looking for dessert ideas for two. Because when there’s a dessert that’s supposed to serve ten or twelve…we’ve usually eaten it in a day or two with just me and Ryan!!
I love desserts with built-in portion control, this is great!
This looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!
I love baking for 2! It’s great for our waistlines & hearts, and it gives me an excuse to bake more often. 🙂
I just bought a ton of pumpkin (like some kind of maniac?) so these will definitely be on my list of ‘things to make’!!
This looks ah-mazing!!
Yum! Totally agreed…there’s only two of us so how much dessert do you need lying around? Plus, I’m pumpkin-obsessed right now.
I love mini desserts like this so I don’t end up eating it for a week straight! My husband isn’t a dessert person but the one thing he loves is pumpkin (go figure) so this would be perfect.
I am all about the pumpkin right now, and this looks delicious! Don’t worry about the pregnancy brain…it’s totally normal! I think I already told you this, but when I was pregnant with my son I could never remember if I fed the dog or not, so I would feed her again “just in case”. My dog gained 10 lbs. during my pregnancy! She and I did a lot of walking with the baby after he was born to burn off the pounds we both gained during my pregnancy! 😉