Yesterday we went to church in Little Rock for the first time in several weeks – our family has celebrated the lives of loved ones in various ways almost every weekend lately, and it’s starting to get where life is almost back to normal. Whatever that means.
See, I think normal means kind of getting to sleep a little bit. It means having a semi-regular schedule of eating and sleeping for Wes, which means a semi-regular schedule of eating and sleeping for mom and dad. It means catching up on laundry, vowing for the billionth time to clean the house up (I mean really, when will I learn?), thinking long and hard about planting a garden this year, and possibly even showering every day. I said possibly – make sure you keep that in mind 😉
When I made these “crackers” I was literally just looking for something to make with a few slices of prosciutto after a freelance project, and they just happened. I put them on a sheet pan and baked them, and they became these shards of pork-y goodness that I started dreaming up all kinds of uses for.
I call them crackers because my husband, being the ever-mature man that he is, laughed when I called them “shards,” stating that it sounded too much like the word “shart” which I won’t even begin to explain on here. If you don’t know what a shart is then I’d say just Google it, but regardless I decided crackers might be a better way to go.
You know, just in case. 🙂
- 4 ounces sliced prosciutto
Preheat oven to 425. Line a baking sheet with foil and place the slices in one even layer across the foil. Place in a cold oven and let the slices cook for about 10-15 minutes, until they’ve shrunk down about 1 cm and are crispy – not burned, but the water will have evaporated enough to make them crisp – just like a cracker! I ate half of my batch straight off the sheet, but then dipped other pieces in hummus. SO GOOD!
bbqbill says
gotta love meat chips! Good idea for Atkins dieters too. Sounds like a cross between bacon and jerky. How can that be bad?
Amber @ Mommy's Me Time says
Haha! I’m dying about your shart comment…believe it or not that word came up at our dinner table tonight…I think our husbands need to get together! 🙂 These crackers look delicious by the way! 🙂
Heather says
I can only imagine what trouble could come from that dinner 😉
Becky says
Urban Wife says
Prosciutto is so yum!
And I just laughed out loud at your husband’s comment. Although I’m not sure what that says about me….. 🙂
Heather says
I think it says you have a good sense of humor 😉
Mai Bateson says
Can’t wait to try this crispy prosciutto! Really looks delicious! 🙂 Thanks for sharing Heather 🙂
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
I have about 10 slices of the stuff leftover from a weekend pizza with plans to do this exact thing at lunch! No joke. I’m not sure there is much better in this life than crispy prosciutto :).
Heather says
100% agree – crispy pork? DONE AND DONE.