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I’m just throwing some feelers out there this morning…is anyone else like me in that to “save paper” (i.e. not wanting to wait for the printer to warm up) you just write recipes on sticky-notes in shorthand and then put it on your microwave during the cooking process?
No? Just me?
If you do this please let me know that I am, in fact, not crazy 🙂
This morning I had a hankering to make something warm and comforting, something that would warm me up and help me think. Immediately I thought of sweet Mama Pea’s homemade pumpkin spice latte and knew that was just the thing.
The thing I love about cooking in general is that it’s my comfort zone; it allows me to think freely and focus on one thing all at once. As I’ve experienced freedom from disordered eating my eyes have been opened to all of the possibilities that food can be, and it’s a whole new world! A healthy relationship with food is something that I longed to experience, and now that I do there are no words to describe how thankful I am.
And so, as I sat there stirring my pumpkin latte (by stirring I mean adding gobs of Stevia because I like it sweet) I thought about what I wanted to say this morning. I thought about how things on the blog have been going, where I want them to go, and what’s feasible for me to actually do while still maintaining a relationship with God, my marriage, a full-time job, and actually have a life on top of it all.
No, I’m certainly not going to quit the blog. And no, I’m certainly not going to be cutting back; if anything I plan to blog more often. The thing is, as much as I love food I don’t want to be about recipes. Since food is such a huge part of my life I want to share the rest of that with you, my readers. There are new workouts I’ve tried and loved, there are huge kitchen disasters, funny stories, and just plain randomness that I want you all to be apart of…but I realized (duh, Heather) that in order to have you be part of it I have to share it with you.
Quite the concept, right?
All that being said, I am excited to start changing this blog again and bringing you all sorts of crazy tidbits from my crazy, wonderful life. I will be planning and organizing posts and photos over the coming weeks and there’s an incredible redesign that I’ve been working on as well with the amazing Garrison Everest that I can’t wait to reveal when it’s finished! I’m excited to share more of myself with you guys 🙂
What would you like to start seeing on the blog? Feel free to say what you want to read about and I will do my best to fill those!
I am a post it note lover myself. Gotta have notes to help me remember!
The pumpkin latte is the perfect Thanksgiving drink!
Nice! I’ve been thinking about blog changes a lot lately too. Can’t wait to see the new design!
We’re practically in the same place:) I’ve recently gained freedom from food and it’s the most amazing/beautiful thing ever!
I love the randomness in your current blog. It’s not always about food…you have various pics, places, items, etc. It is fresh.
Being the fitness enthusiast, I would like hear more about that side.
I don’t know how you have time to blog what you do now, so if you will be blogging more…I will begin to think you are superwoman! I barely have time to keep up with them, but catch up on the weekend. Keep up the great blog and whatever you do, blog with passion! 🙂
Haha, I don’t even have a printer! That means that I either write out the recipe or just haul the computer to the kitchen. My boyfriend calls it a “cooking laptop” because it’s always smudged.
I love how your breakout the details of the recipe, I’m a visual learner:)
I love post-its! They are all over our apartment. I love what you said about overcoming your disordered eating and enjoying and loving food. I’m just starting to get comfortable in the kitchen and it’s a great feeling (actually posted about it this morning, too)!
I would love to read all about everything in your life that you are compelled to share! It was a joy to read your Hawaii posts and I’m looking forward to getting to know even more about you. 🙂
I write things on stickys too… just yesterday I found a recipe in a drawer, written on a sticky, with no title! took me a minute to figure out what it was…
I also save paper by bringing my laptop into my kitchen and working from it there…
I’m excited to see what’s coming on your blog! <3
I do the same sticky note thing! I actually bought cute Pentel markers for this very purpose. Separately, great idea for the direction of your blog – it’s actually similar to what I’m trying to implement on my site as well!
oh and that latte is making me want one immediately…
definitely! and food can be so many things! blogging about food leaves doors open to how you want to portray that to your readers. im glad uve been discovering it and trying out new ideas. the changes to come will be profound and exciting!! <3
That sounds so good! Excited for some changes!
Good luck with the blog changes! I’m always looking for fitness inspiration so I personally would like to see more of that. I feel your passion in your posts so I’m looking forward to reading more, whatever the topic might be!
Yay! I’m excited for those changes. I like how blogging can constantly change to fit our own personal journeys and needs. 🙂
Sticky notes practically leave a trail behind me 🙂
Good for you about changing the blog a bit to fit more for you. When I first started I felt like I had to “fit” into what everyone else was doing, but I quickly realized I had to do what fit more me. It’s the only way to be honest with yourself, and your readers! Can’t wait to see more of YOU, Heather!
I always write on scraps of paper and rarely print..helps me to remember better anyway!
I don’t drink coffee but it looks warm and I bet it smells incredible! 🙂
can’t wait to see more posts from you! i love reading tidbits of your life:-)
I can’t wait for the the new style. I think blogs get better when bloggers write about what they love. If yours has less to do with food, that’s OK by me!
I’m excited to see the new direction the blog takes!! You know I love you, girl, so whatever direction it goes in, I know it will be fabulous!
Amen to that!
i write recipes on the pad of paper i use for my shopping list.
so i end up at the store with a list of bananas, split peas, butter, and 1 c of brown sugar, 2 t baking soda… you get the idea 🙂
I always use pen and paper when dealing with recipes, and the go to the computer when the time comes-printer is warmed up. I look forward to all your new posts, I really enjoyed all your vacation posts… So keep it coming!
P.S. Your photography skill are great!
Just so you know, the nuts are almost gone. Oye.
I’m so excited about this big change!! I can’t wait to read all your posts…love you!! 🙂
I totally use sticky notes to write down ingredients too! I think whatever direction you decide to take your blog it will be great. I’m excited to see your redesign.
so excited about the change! Blog your heart out about what you love 🙂