Life lately:
Sometimes out of control
Most of the time out of control
Super inspired
Really uninspired
Only a little sleep
(man, I really miss sleep…)
Who has time to cook anything?
Honestly there’s been a string of days lately where I really have no idea what I even did. Laundry is piled up all over the house, and we are getting dressed out of the clean clothes shoved in laundry baskets. A has been making multiple costume changes a day due to crazy eating habits/playing in the mud or chalk/diaper issues which is fun because he gets to use all of his clothes but not fun because it means he gets to use all of his clothes.
I find myself at the end of the day and wondering what the heck I’ll actually cook for dinner. I do my work in the middle of the day which means we basically eat leftovers for dinner or I throw together a bag of salad and baked chicken breast for dinner. It’s sooooooo not food blogger savvy, but a girl’s gotta survive right?
When I do cook I love to do one-pot wonder meals that feed an army because HELLO LEFTOVERS. Have I ever mentioned that I’m a big leftovers person? Anyway, meals that can do double-duty or that can feed me for days on end are what I gravitate toward now, and this spicy Southern duck paella is pretty much just the ticket. It’s spicy (obviously) but with an incomparable depth of flavor. The duck is a perfect component (and just in time for duck season!) but chicken would work great too if duck isn’t readily available to you.
So I guess the biggest thing I have to say is this: momma? It’s OK to let some of those spinning plates drop from time to time. Your life will likely be richer because of it, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. I know for me the uninspired moments make the inspired ones so much sweet. And we’ll figure out the timing and scheduling later, but for now it’s a good thing to enjoy the crazy. Go enjoy it! (And enjoy this Spicy Southern Duck Paella recipe while you’re at it!)
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