Good morning everyone! Hope your weekends are just as awesome as mine has been 🙂
Friday night was a fun, late night! As soon as we got home we both crashed out for a couple of hours. I guess neither one of us realized we were that tired! When we woke up we decided to celebrate Pizza Friday with a pie from Pizza Hut. KLASSY 🙂 It was really good though since we were both really hungry after a couple hours of sleep. That night we stayed up and watched 3:10 to Yuma, Julie and Julia, and 3 episodes of Law & Order. Like I said, late night! (And sorry, no pictures…I figure y’all know what greasy pizza looks like at this point :))
Yesterday we got up and went to take pictures of one of the cutest babies ever, Blake. He’s the son of some good friends of ours from church, and is just the sweetest little boy! It’s his 1 year birthday in a couple weeks, so we did some “studio” shots with our massive roll of studio paper and lighting. (Speaking of photography, you should check out our photography site. In the spirit of shameless self-promotion, we are totally open to travel, so if you or anyone you know of need a photographer for a wedding/baby/family portrait/event, please let me know!) Anyway, once Blake tired out, we packed up and decided to grab some sushi at a place we hadn’t tried yet. We started off with some cheesy crab wontons (I think that’s the name?):
I’d never had these before, but they were pretty good! I mean, it’s hard not to like something deep-fried with creaminess inside, right?
Plus the presentation was so pretty! Don’t you just love how symmetrical sushi arrangements are? It’s not a TON of food, but they make it look so gorgeous that it promotes eating slowly and enjoying the meal!
I think I had 2 of each and decided to quit. For some reason I wasn’t feeling good at all, and even though I love sushi and could go fat kid on that whole platter, I just couldn’t eat more than 6 pieces. It was still really good though! When we go home we crashed (again) and watched Gladiator, and talked about going to see a movie. I have been wanting to go to the movie theater for a while, but our weekends have been pretty packed until now. We decided to go see Clash of the Titans. Was it good? Let’s just say you should wait til it comes to a Red Box near you. It was completely lacking in a plot, and although I was surprised at how clean it was sexually, it was just a stupid movie. Pretty much ruined Greek mythology for me…
…so we also decided to see Date Night. This was NOT clean, but I felt like it had a good message in the end about dating your spouse and sticking with marriage through the hard times. At the very least it made up for the horrible first movie! When we got home we cleaned up the house a bit and then went to bed. Our dogs think we’re the most boring people in the world…
I am now sipping on a Chocolate Peanut Butter Green Monster and writing this post!
Today we’ve got church, then we’re helping a friend of a friend move, and I’m really hoping that it’s dry enough out to take the dogs for a walk or run through the dog park! Should be a fun day 🙂
I’m going to steal Caitlin’s idea from the other day and play the lotto game. If you won the lottery today, what would you do with the money? I would:
- Buy new cars
- A condo in the mountains for when we (or any friends or family) want to go skiing, and maybe something near the ocean
- Stop working and backpack through Europe for a couple of months
- Do missions work in Africa
- Help my parents and Nate’s parents pay off their homes/cars
- Donate a LOT to our church and various charities
- Spend the time that we’re not working to help others 🙂
Whew! That was harder than it looked! Happy Sunday everyone!
I wonder how many crab and cheese wontons I can stuff myself with while watching a movie :O
I had cheese wontons yesterday too! I love those!
If I would win the lottery I would pay off my dads debts, buy my own home and travel the world 🙂
oooh i’ve never had a spicy salmon roll, but i do love the spicy tuna. i’ll keep it in mind for next time! 🙂
I don’t even like sushi, but those rolls look delish. If I won the lottery… I’d buy a house big enough to finally have some pets, help my family out, donate…and use it towards starting my own business…not sure what kind of business yet 🙂
love the answers to how you would spend your money if you won the lottery!! 🙂
that sushi looks SO good!
We call the cheesy crab wontons things Crab Rangoons – but I favor your name! Haha! Looks like a fabulous meal!
girl i LOVE what you said about your list! ill go to africa with you!! 🙂
Wow – looks like you´ve had quite a weekend 🙂
Delicious eats – those cheesy crab wontons looked so cute!
Have a great night.
Brazilian XOXO´s,
I’d donate it, and buy daddy that jaguar I’ve been promising him since I was little, and get mommy like a greenhouse for all her plants and stuff haha or something…and then I dont know about the rest of the $
Hey doll!! I hope you are feeling better?
I love sushi but surprisingly have not had it for some time! I do love a good avocado roll with some serious kick butt wasabi!
Date Night was cute, wasn’t it?
Your blog is great! Really great story and lovely writing style! If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do (for myself) is book a trip to Paris for the Summer and go to Le Cordon Bleu for their intensive. Ah, that would be amazing!
If I won the lottery I would pay off my house, open my own business, take an awesome vacation and spoil the heck out of my awesome family!
Those sushi pictures are stunningly gorgeous 🙂
Date Night was so fun! I love the photog website 🙂
Oooo I loved Date Night!!! But yeah, it had some crude sexual humor. But overall, really funny!
If I won the lottery..hmmm… I’d pay my parent’s house off for them, give some to charity, take a fun trip, and put the rest in the bank!
Sushi is so photogenic and tasty. I’ll take pictures of sushi over greasy pizza, so no worries there 🙂 Glad you are having such a great weekend!
wow, that’s a movie marathon if I’ve ever heard of one!!
Love Julie & Julia! It made wish I knew how to cook! 🙂
Sushi is my go-to food. It’s so yummy and when we can’t decide what to eat I always want it.
Ahahaha… Pizza Hut is what my mom and dad would always bring home for us after a long grocery shopping trip… Sadly, I didn’t know how fantastic pizza could really be until I moved away to college!
you guys we movie maniacs!
there’s a very small chance we might visit co in the summer… if so we are totally meeting up!
Love the photography!!!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
Mmmm…love wontons! Plus, they’re just fun to say 🙂
Sounds like a good weekend! Clash of the Titans isn’t really my kind of movie, so yeah…I’ll be staying away from that one 🙂
Have a lovely Sunday, Heather!