I never had a sip of alcohol til I was 21.
Go ahead, judge me. I was afraid I’d get in trouble. I know I’m a goody-goody!
Regardless, when I DID drink the last thing I wanted was beer. Why would I want to drink that smelly stuff? So I went on my merry way, trying to learn how to love wine, drinking margaritas every now and then, and developing a taste for Cape Cods (vodka, cranberry juice, twist of lime).
2 years ago we had a good friend drive up from Dallas to interview for a med school in the area, and as a thank you to us for a place to stay he bought us dinner. We went to Rock Bottom, where they had a seasonal Vanilla Porter. Vanilla you say? Sounds good to me!
It was such a great beer, and I ended up beating Nate and Josh in the beer drinking – not on purpose! They were just talking a lot, I swear 🙂 Anyway, from then on I tried other beers, but nothing tastes better to me than porters and stouts. They just have so much more flavor that I like than the lighter ones.
All this to say, yesterday was quite the day at work, so it was no surprise that I wanted one of these bad boys when we got home:
‘Twas so good. A night of snuggles with Nate, Bunker, and Keira was just what I needed!
So, unfortunately I did not have everything set up like I thought I would for the announcement. HOWEVER, if you’re interested in participating, please email me at heathersdish @ gmail [dot] com. This is only going to be good with y’alls help, so I’m hoping to have everything ready to formally announce after the weekend!
Happy Friday to everyone. You guys are the bee’s knees 🙂
I grew up in Italy, so I started drinking earlier…I admit it. However I never liked beer until I was way into my twenties…I was more of a wine person. Now I find there is nothing better than an ice cold beer on a hot summer day. There are a lot of interesting, unpasteurized beers being made here nowadays. And I am willing to try ’em all! Ciao!
Porters are my favorite beer! Not the most popular though–especially as a female. I like to tell people about my beer drinking taste “once you go black…..”
I love beer, I went to a friends fundraiser for TNT at some brewery in Dallas. I loved trying all the different flavors…though I don’t remember the company. (yrs ago)
Oh my gosh, I was totally the same way about alcohol! I’ll admit that I gave in once I got to college, but in high school? No way! Furthermore, I would lecture my friends if I found out they had been drinking 🙂
I’m going to keep this beer in mind 😉 I didn’t start drinking till later on either and have a hard time enjoying a good beer….maybe this’ll be the one 🙂
You’re SO good for waiting til you were 21…I was naughty….had my first beer way too young. I admire you though, a lot!! I would be proud of that if I were you 🙂 That beer does look tasty, I love Blue Moon with a giant Orange in it…yum!!!
The puppy is adorable…I LOVE chocolate labs!
Vanilla beer sounds good! I normally don’t like it, but still drink it when I don’t want something so strong. My favorite though is Abita Strawberry beer, it’s pretty hard to find b/c it’s seasonal (February it comes out again). It’s just a hint of strawberry, so guys drink it too.
Your lab looks almost like mine…cute doggies!
I love the amber beers…my first exposure what at a brewfest in Fort Collins, CO…they know how to brew the brew. 🙂
I still don’t drink… I’m 25 🙁 Don’t judge me. I’ve tried and I can’t get myself to like it. Alcohol is so gross to me. I stick to my diet coke
I have a very similar story to yours. My parents don’t drink at all, so I grew up thinking that only “bad people” drank. I had one illegal drink in high school…in a very dangerous place to do that! (in a comedy club in San Antonio) I really didn’t drink much again until I was legal…my freshman college roommate got arrested for an underage, so there never really seemed to be any point in drinking underage for me. I was pretty judgmental of people who drank underage, which I am not proud of. Then I lived in the Dominican Republic for 3 months, where the drinking age is 18 or 19 and everyone drinks socially. My host family was a great model of how to drink in a responsible way. Now I am turning into quite the beer nut…guess the home-brewing husband helps with that!
I didn’t drink until I was 20…. yeah college dragged me in a bit earlier than I’d wanted to haha. Oh well.
I recently had a chocolate stout and that was pretty darn tasty!
Love me some beer. I never went to a bar before I was 21 (well, not in the US anyways) but I did get drunk for the first time in 8th grade and the incident involved cops and an ambulance. Yeah, that didn’t go over well.
I actually drank MORE in high school than I do now and I am 21! Weird huh?
I don’t care for beer at all. But I’ve not tried the beers you are talking about here, so I may have to give them a try. I’m more of a wine person. https://windowontheprairie.com/ Suzanne
Sometimes a little drink can go a longggg way! It’s nice to relax and unwind. Your puppies are adorable by the way 🙂
I’m not a big beer drinker but if I’m going to have one, it’ll be something tasty and locally brewed! I want to know about this announcement…sending you an email now… 🙂
I got the email and I love the idea. I will get something to you soon. 😀
I’m very nit picky about beer. I don’t like it unless it’s got something special to it.
I’m a big fan of Deschutes beer. It’s a local favorite (brewed about 3 hours drive from Portland). I prefer the Mirror Pond Pale Ale though. I can’t handle Porters!
Waiting is a good thing:) …..although I didn’t.
I love beer. Mmm….we will leave off when I had my first drink, but I didn’t start to enjoy beer until I was in my 20s. Love it now!
I didn’t wait a second to start drinking. We were in the woods with kegs in 8th grade. That is so awful I can’t even believe I did it. But I was a good kid, honors, AP, sports, so I guess it didn’t matter really. I actually used to like beer more, but lately I’m into wine. I do love wheat beer though, and also hard ciders. Yum.
I waited longer than most of my friends before I started drinking. But…that’s not saying much because I was like 16! I don’t drink nearly as much as I used to…maybe once a week. I love when I go an entire week without any alcohol passing my lips..I just feel better. It can be fun, though, but the hangover is rarely worth it!
I was a goody-goody too. These days I enjoy an occasional glass of wine or rum and coke.
I waited too. And I was a year younger than all my friends, so it wasn’t always easy!
I’m so curious as to your announcement. Let me know if I can help!
Vanilla anything is good!
Good for you for waiting until the legal drinking age! We,as Christians,ARE commanded to obey the laws of the land, so you totally honor God with your obedience 🙂
As far as beer, I’m sorry……can’t even stand the smell 🙁
I’m just starting to like beer, too! In Colorado this past weekend, the groom home brews all his own beers, and had an AMAZING one called Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Stout. Awe. Some.
Your pups are so cute!
And I want to participate! But I don’t know what I’d be participating in…?
These local brews are just never-ending – I’m a sucker for Pale Ales! Summer seems to be more of a “beer” time to me? Not sure why, but not fighting it either. 😉
I’m not much of a beer drinker, but I know my hubby would go for that! Your dogs are precious, happy weekend!! 🙂
Hey, me too! (on the waiting-till-21 part) I didn’t think there were that many people out there like me! I’m not much of a dark beer drinker, though. I go for the wheaty light ones!
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I am 35 and have never had a sip of alcohol. 😉 How’s that for goody-goody? LOL
Happy Friday! Is it to early for me to confess that, that beer looks super tasty and I could go for one right now? 🙂
Wow! I thought I was a goody 2 shoes… lol. I didn’t drink in highschool or anything, but I did in college before I was 21. I actually really like many beers. I had mackinac fudge beer in michigan and it was SO good… seriously tasted like fudge!
mackinac fudge beer? sounds amazing!
I think it’s cool you waited until you were 21. I still don’t really like beer…I think I’m the only person I know!
Aw, I think it’s great you waiting until you were 21 – that makes it way more exciting right?! I love beer. My brother is trying to get me more into wine, but beer will always be my first love. I love a good oatmeal stout 🙂
I was a goody-two-shoes, too. Not a drinker until the law said it was OK! I love a good beer in the summer now, though.