So you guys want to know what scared my puppies so much that they hid behind the doorway?
Not another puppy, a kid, a blender, a plane, train, or automobile. Not a thunderstorm or even me dancing and singing to a song, although if I’m honest they’ve hid from that before. My puppies, our sweet little fur-babies, were hiding from…
NATE! Well, Nate and his crazy mustache. Nate and his crazy mustache that he had to dye for a mustache contest at work. Poor, sweet, scared puppies. Good thing he shaved, changed clothes, and I can see his dimples now 🙂
There is one redemptive thing though: it was for a charity. I guess even good things can come in mustaches…
This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Oh how i miss you two! 🙂
Wow he looks different! All for a good cause though…gotta love it!
Bahahahahaha–busted out laughing when I saw this–such a NERD you’re married to! Well, only the last pic–the first two are quite handsome! Always love to see the ‘stache pics for the year 🙂
HA omg, that picture!! This should be framed. 😉
um, I want to work at a place that does contests like this!! that’s hilarious!
That is hilarious! It is amazing how much different men can look with their facial hair done differently. I was so shocked the first time I saw my husband without his goatee! He looked like a stranger!
That is hilarious!! How fun!? Especially since it was for charity! 🙂
Hahaha! Hilarious! I think my husband would love having an excuse to grow a ‘stache like that!
Hahahahaha! That is the best thing ever. Poor puppies didn’t even recognize their daddy. They are traumatized. Give them lots of loving 🙂
Cute!!! I remember my Dad had a mustache since I was born. Then he dropped me off at a birthday party when I was about 6 and when he came ot pick me up he was sans mustache! I wouldn’t go with him because I was scared it wasn’t really him! He had to call my mom to come up there before I would leave with him.
That’s funny that the dogs were hiding from a mustache, lol. Iactually prefer my hubby with a little 5 o’clock shadow. Makes his face look fuller, lol.
Haha I love how pets really think it’s a different person! Poor things!
oh my :-O hahaha…the things husbands do and we still love them 😉
AHHHHHHHHHHH! haha, this cracks me up.. and i can relate because i asked marshall to shave the other day and i got home last night to see him with a creeeeepy goatee. luckily he got rid of it this morning.