Yes, that’s right: whale watching. Over the course of our Maui vacation we had the chance to watch several whales, all of them with babies, while they breached and swam and prepared to head back to the colder North Pacific of Alaska. Actually April 15 was officially the last day of whale season, which was the day we saw them breaching from the balcony of our snorkeling boat. Alas I do not have those pictures and video for you yet, but we also were blessed to go on a whale watching specific trip with Captain Steve’s. The great thing about this whale watching trip is that you are literally right next to the water on a boat surrounded by a huge innertube. The end. Fin. Needless to say it can be a little scary to think about, but the crew was phenomenal and we got to see one of the last whales left around Maui that morning. If you go to Maui, it’s well worth the time and money to take this trip – just make sure it’s in the middle of whale season!
Fantastic experience and great pics!
How fun! Those pictures are beautiful! 🙂
These photos are incredible. Thanks for sharing!
So cool! I’ve been whale watching in Massachusetts and it was pretty uneventful we were on the boat like 4 hours and only saw one whale, although it was breathtaking to see! I also may be remembering it that way because it was my first experience with dramamine and I was trying to stay awake the whole time!
Uh oh….I think my comments are getting eaten! But, if this goes through– what an awesome experience!
So awesome!!!