Low Carb Brownie Balls are deeply rich chocolatey treats that won’t make you feel sluggish or guilty. They are the perfect way to get rid of that sweet tooth!
I did something yesterday that scared me.
See, I have this thing on Instagram where if someone has a beautiful feed and they seem like a legitimately cool person, I’ll probably follow them. I do this because at first glance it looks like they’re putting the time into creating meaningful content that could really impact my life, so I give it a chance. Kind of like dating, you know? Do they belong on my feed, do they not…only time will tell.
However, this weekend I went through and purged (and am still doing this) soooooo many Instagram accounts that are just not cutting it for me anymore. All I see everywhere are women wearing gorgeous outfits, taking beautiful photos, working their tails off to make a visually impactful post…only to leave it with a goofy pun, meaningless caption, and a “shop my look at LiketoKnow.it!” Truthfully it got to be too much for me – I started in with my own comparison game, felt guilty for not having a lifestyle they so beautifully portray, felt like my own life was lacking because I don’t get dressed up and have a shoppable closet.
So yesterday I talked about it, coming down a little harder on the LiketoKnow.it app than originally intended. At the end of the day it’s just a resource to help influencers create an income through their content, and (I suppose) a resource to help their followers easily find and purchase the look. At the root of it all, though, I just don’t love the way most move from one brand to another, singing the praises of each one, only to proclaim the next shirt (or outfit or product) to be the one they’re obsessed with. It feels misleading, overly consumeristic, and disingenuous.
I combed through my feed and unfollowed so many women this weekend and felt guilty the whole time. They are beautiful, hard-working, and only doing what they have seen others do so successfully before them. I myself sell things on the internet (although we all do – whether it’s a product, a service, or a just the life we want others to see), and I know how much work goes into that. However, our feed is literally that – it’s what feeds us when we spend time on social media. The only ones 100% in charge of that feed are us; therefore, it’s up to us to protect that space and only allow the things we need or want to see.
You are allowed to admire someone for their work AND decide not to follow them if their content doesn’t work for you. That doesn’t mean they’re bad people, and it doesn’t make you a bad person for protecting your heart. End of story.
Kind of heavier than I originally planned for a post about brownie balls, but what can I say – I had something I needed to get out! I would be remiss if I didn’t say that these little low carb brownie balls are pretty much incredible though. Just the right amount of sweetness, all the chewiness of a delicious brownie, and a chocolate flavor that will soothe any craving. I’m rationing mine out for the week and enjoying them in the afternoon with a cup of decaf because it’s basically a match made in heaven!
Makes about 20-30 balls
- 1/2 cup creamy almond butter
- 1/3 cup cocoa powder
- 1/3 cup almond milk (or other milk of choice)
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- stevia to taste
- 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips (I prefer Lily’s for low carb)
- 2-3 tablespoons coconut flour
- In a bowl whisk together the almond butter, cocoa powder, milk and vanilla until smooth.
- Add in the liquid stevia to taste (this will all depend on the brand you use and your personal preference – start with about 10 drops, stir and taste and then adjust incrementally from there).
- Add the mini chocolate chips and stir.
- Add the coconut flour, 1 tablespoon at a time and stirring in between additions, until the mixture comes together in a thick dough that you can scoop and roll.
- Check for sweetness one more time.
- Using a cookie scoop, scoop out the dough and roll into balls.**
- Refrigerate until ready to eat!
** I actually went back through and cut those balls in half to create smaller ones that were more snack-friendly. While these are low carb they are not low calorie, and they’re so addictive I knew I could get carried away if I didn’t make them smaller!**
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