Truth: I spent about an hour last night watching reruns of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on YouTube instead of working. Every time I see something come up on that channel I know I’m going to be worthless for at least 30-60(+) minutes. Anyone else? Just me? It’s so fun to see people…having fun!
Another truth: I was literally outside all day yesterday. After dropping the boys off at school I went for a much-needed alone time hike (and Facebooked about it here – are you a member of my Barefoot & Beautiful group yet?), then went hiking with my older boy, then we all went to the zoo after I picked up my little guy. I wore myself OUT, you guys. It was great. But I think I’ll be laying low today. Unless it’s gorgeous weather again, in which case I may just need to hit the sack early instead 🙂
I hope you guys have a great weekend! And enjoy these lovely links while you’re at it!
- 100 parenting memes and they are all SO TRUE. It’s nice to not feel alone 🙂
- A good 5 minute read on pushing for federal oversight in the skincare/cosmetics industry.
- Monica does such a great job of giving applicable steps to actual real-life scary problems and parenting.
- I know he’s not perfect, but man alive does Tim Tebow say a lot of the things I hope for my boys!
- What exactly did Panera Bread have to do to make their food clean? Good food for thought (pun intended).
- Dear Nordstrom. Died laughing over this because ALL THE TRUTH.
- Wheel of Musical Impressions with Alicia Keys – amazing. I love the impressions with Jamie Foxx and Kevin Spacey and Adam Levine too!
- Should Americans come up with our own form hygge?
- Huevos rancheros scrambled eggs = breakfast heaven!
- Digging these healthy habits from around the world – I love seeing what other countries do!
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