A little bird told me the other day that Thanksgiving is next week. And by a little bird I mean my son’s school told me in no uncertain terms that there is no school next week because it’s Thanksgiving week. Yeesh, you’d think these teachers need a break! (Which they totally do and they totally deserve one!)
But honestly? HOW ARE WE AT THANKSGIVING ALREADY?! I’m at a loss for words at how this year has flown by! If Thanksgiving is next week then that means that Christmas is 4 weeks later, then our 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY (holy cow I’m getting old…) is next, and then Nate’s birthday, and then my babies will be 5 and 2 in March. I can’t handle that kind of pressure! Or those constant reminders that I’m getting old and my babies are growing up!
I remember the days of analyzing every little detail of a Thanksgiving meal and day and how it would all play out. This year I’m glad I remembered the Petit Jean ham I have in my freezer and the fact that my addition to a holiday meal is done and DONE. Next up: figuring out how to decorate for Christmas with a 19-month-old in the house. Thoughts? Suggestions? Tips or tricks? This kid has a mind of his own and I doubt any tree will survive his antics.
Y’all enjoy this weekend with the people you love, and enjoy these lovely links while you’re at it!
- First off, THIS. My situation is different than hers, but the idea of being a “bad mom” is always eating away. Such a good perspective to adopt!
- Couldn’t laugh harder if I tried. Bonus: I adore infomercials and have probably seen every one of these!
- Everyone and their mom is posting brussels sprouts recipes these days (I think I counted 10 in my reader yesterday alone), but these are the ones I’m dreaming of right now.
- I’m not a big Cowboys fan, and as such wasn’t really a big Tony Romo fan until now – this speech was fantastic.
- New York City 100 years ago vs. now – I love side-by-sides like this!
- When Satan steals your motherhood. WOW – so very needed this week.
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