WHO IS EXCITED ABOUT FALL?!?! I’m so stoked I can’t even let myself talk about it too much because I know this fickle Arkansas weather will only be playing games with my heart. BUT STILL. I can’t wait.
See, for me it’s not about the pumpkin spice and scarves (although I do like those things) but just having the chance to get outside more without feeling like I’m going to die of a heat stroke. I miss pushing my boys up and down these crazy hills in the stroller, going to any playground and knowing we’ll have fun for longer than 20 minutes, and going on hikes. We’re an active bunch in this house, and getting outside is important to us!
Speaking of which we are going to a REALLY fun place today – more details on Instagram (and a super fun post to come next week!) so make sure you’re following along to see the fun! And enjoy your weekend!!!
1. A really interesting take on being a celebrity personal assistant – completely intrigued!
2. What sport should be about – dreams, failures, successes, and people.
3. A million more reasons to love jeans. Which reminds me, I need some new ones!
4. Next level zoodles? Twist my arm.
5. Love this post on healthy fats for kids!
6. Your kid is a brat and it’s your fault. FACE PALM. I do these things 🙁
7. Proof that less is more – LOVE this!
thanks for the love, friend! True life, i used to want to be a personal assistant!