Hello friends! Sorry for the radio silence around here this week – you guessed it, the sickness was rampant again and it’s taking me a while to bounce back. I’m working on being OK with a messy home and not getting everything done except the big things. Certainly easier said than done, but I suppose the trying is what counts, right? 🙂
I almost don’t even want to share my hopes for the weekend because it’s surely going to go 180º in the other direction. So I’ll just say we’re going to try to have fun and then just go with the flow…and maybe hope for some wellness in the mix too!
Y’all enjoy your weekend and these links below!
1. The best soup kitchen I’ve ever heard of. What a way to bless others! (
2. Taylor Swift as a Minnesota soccer mom (starts at the 1 minute mark). Can’t. Stop. Laughing! (YouTube)
3. I so connected with this post: This isn’t my season. Amen and amen. (Lindsay’s List)
4. Why we should fight for more recess for our children. (The Washington Post)
5. For all my fellow C-section mamas: better than a birth plan. Motherhood is so much more than how that baby comes into the world! (Desiring God)
6. L-O-V-I-N-G this clothing line for tall girls. I know I’ve shared it before, but this is seriously cute stuff and affordable too! (Desert Crew Clothing)
7. I’m loving this blog – boy moms forever! (Boys Ahoy)
8. You shouldn’t be scared of your Joseph dreams. (Whitney English)
9. This list of books makes me believe that if they can be published, I can be published. Also, hilarious! (Relevant Magazine)
10. THIS VIDEO from is one that I’m watching over and over and over again. (IF:Gathering)
Debby says
Get well soon!:)