GAH! Y’all – I so meant to share this with you guys on Friday, but then it was Christmas and we were with family and I totally TOTALLY spaced and, well, yeah. I’m not going to apologize because I’m actually not sorry for not working on Christmas day. But I do wish I’d shared these lovely links earlier!
All that to say – Christmas was fantastic. I love getting to see our families, I love getting the see the magic of the holidays as our boys experience them, and I love remembering the beautiful, joyful, perfect reason we celebrate – Jesus. The birth of the Savior. I love him so.
Y’all enjoy!
1. Your broken hearts are saving lives. I won’t get into politics on here, ever, but I will say that our job here on this earth is to love others. This made me cry tears of thankfulness for those who are feeling the love of others halfway across the world (Momastery)
2. She was raped at 11 and kept the baby. This is an incredible story. (Cosmopolitan)
3. FULLER HOUSE! I seriously can’t wait – do y’all remember living for Tuesdays? Hopefully not just me! (Netflix)
4. Letter boards…but cooler. I love this company’s Instagram account too! (Letterfolk)
5. ALL of the Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started a Conversation With sketches from SNL. Y’all, this is highly quotable stuff! I think the Christmas one is my favorite… (NBC)
6. There is serious stuff happening right now, and while we can’t all go overseas to help…WE CAN STILL HELP. Here’s a great way to do even a little something to keep refugee families from freezing and starvation. (The Compassion Collective)
7. My life’s work? It’s taking place inside my home. A beautiful article, for every kind of mom; a reminder of what’s important. (Motherly)
8. The power of “hygge” – the Danish concept of cozy time together. Drama-free and cozy togetherness? Sign me up! (Mother Mag)
9. This video made me cry, and then I watched it 10 times and made my husband think I was crazy. And then I said it made me want to be a grandmother and then he told me to SLOW IT ON DOWN. (WTHR)
10. Penguins dressed like Santa = ADORABLE. (Newsweek)
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