YOU GUYSSSSSSS…it’s finally Friday! This week has been so slow and so fast all at once; anyone else? I’m thinking we’ll be adjusting to the time change for the next 5 months…I miss the sunshine!
I’m so excited for the weekend because we’re going to be cramming a lot of fun into the next two days. Football, festivals, friends, and soaking in the cooler weather and sunshine (while it’s out). #thisishowweweekend
What are y’all up to? I hope it’s wonderful and filled with people you love! Enjoy these links in the meantime…
1. Stuck in a rut with your menu? I recently checked out PlateJoy and LOVE the ideas they provide! (Plate Joy)
2. These gorgeous Paris apartments are just too much…so pretty! (Condé Nast Traveler)
3. Two incredible posts on self-care and motherhood. I just can’t get over how much these spoke to my soul. (Oakland Avenue)
4. Monica’s book is available in every format possible, and y’all? IT’S AMAZING. I’m going to be doing a whole post on this one soon! (Monica Swanson)
5. The nightly routines of successful women. Taking notes, y’all, taking notes! (MyDomaine)
6. So it turns out cancer can be killed… Another interesting read on naturopathically curing cancer. I’ve done zero research, but am super intrigued by this one. (Medium)
7. Alright companies – take note. You can’t pay your bills with “the unique platform and reach our site provides.” Amen y’all. (Wil Wheaton)
8. This performance has renewed my faith in country music. And if JT wants to start a country career, I’m all ears! (CMAs)
9. “Life isn’t about the 50 vacations you’ll take while you’re on this planet. It’s about the 25,000 days in between them.” (Dale Partridge)
10. Mark Bittman: Why I quit my dream job at the New York Times. (TIME)
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