The other day I was at the zoo with some friends when we walked over to the penguin exhibit and I declared that I loved the smell. It was something like salt water, fish, and a general ‘zoo’ smell, but I couldn’t help it. It was intoxicating.
For a girl who’s never lived around an ocean I sure do crave being near the sea something fierce. It doesn’t help that neither of my boys has ever seen a beach, felt the sand between their toes, or had the waves lap at their feet. While I’m sure a beach trip in our current stage would be slightly stressful, I can’t help but imagine what that first meeting will be like for them. To see the enormity of the ocean and the horizon, all coupled up with the textures and temperatures – it’ll be a beautiful sensory overload. I can’t wait.
Alas, this summer isn’t one of travel for us. The stress of a new baby, the jumping into the school year, the planning for holiday travel, the expense…all added up to traveling just not being in the cards for us. But this gypsy soul needs to move a little to find rest, so I’m hoping that this fall we’ll be able to rack up some miles somehow, someway, to explore our world a little more.
In the meantime, enjoy these amazing links! I love curating these babies for y’all and hope you love it too!
1. Not everyone gets a trophy, and that’s OK. Gotta say I believe in the lesson James Harrison is teaching here! (ESPN)
2. A world-champion surfer still has to face body shaming. Not cool world, not cool. When can we focus on the person & character over appearances?
3. Love how this guy just pressed play and is now living the life of his dreams. Not too shabby!
4. I love the groomsmen in our wedding, but guys? This kind of makes your non-dancing look lame 😉
5. Have THIS conversation with your kid(s) before school. Can you imagine how much better our world would be if we did? Moms – be brave and have the hard conversations. You’ll stumble over your words, and you’ll feel silly, and you may even laugh a little when your kid can’t sit still and has to jump on the trampoline mid-convo. Do it anyway.
6. Loving this post on you being you. Shauna has a way of speaking to my heart with her wordsmithery (that’s a word right? No?)
7. Kathy Lee Gifford’s tribute to her late husband, Frank Gifford. So touching.
8. Dying over these hand-painted antlers. It’s a need, y’all!
9. The prettiest summer cheese plate. When this Whole30 is over we’ll definitely be eating dairy again. MUST HAVE CHEESE.
10. Did you know that Naptime Diaries is accepting submissions for their amazing Advent Devotional? Check out the how here!
Always love the links for find dear! Perfect for reading out of my normal “realm” of usual blogs/articles!