HAPPY FRIDAY GUYS!!! Admittedly I completely forgot to make this post until this morning – YIKES. Fun fact about blogging is that most people get all of the things (links, recipes, photos) done waaaaay far ahead of time and then write the post the night before (what I usually do) or early the morning of the publish date. Yours truly was working hard hard hard yesterday and forgot to…so…yeah. BUT! Thank goodness for the “save” feature on Facebook and for Pinterest!
So this weekend? It’s supposed to rain pretty much the entire time – womp womp. My boys are pretty upset about the lack of pool time, but I know it’s going to be blazing hot soon enough so we’ll figure out a way to soak up the cooler rainy weather. I’m still working on my goal of reducing our stuff by half, so maybe we’ll work on that? Who knows…could get pretty wild in here 🙂
I hope you guys have a great weekend, and enjoy these lovely links while you’re at it!
- Want to be a top performer? These tips on how to get there are great & apply to pretty much anything.
- So. Lyme Disease is super scary. Not to mention ticks are just disgusting anyway!
- Cookbooks are more relevant than ever – in fact, all of our technological advances have made them EVEN BETTER!
- The silent tragedy affecting today’s children. Ouch-slash-a NEEDED read.
- What in the world is driving the BILLION DOLLAR safer beauty movement? I’ll be coming back to expound on this one later…
- In that same vein, want to know more about Beautycounter? Here’s a recorded LIVE Q&A with our CEO/founder and head of sales!
- For my blogging friends: how to update old posts (without totally screwing it up).
- I do NOT have the patience to make an acai bowl look like this, but man is it ever pretty!
- Motherhood is a battlefield, and I totally believe that.
- Some of the best style out there (and it’s classic, modest, feminine, beautiful!)
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