Is it just me or did this week FLY by? After being out of town last weekend and plunging back into the week it was all I could do to stay afloat, but it ended up making it all go by so much quicker! The beginning of the month is always a crazy time for me with blogging and Beautycounter, so the extra chaos was just icing on the cake 🙂
Also, after what feels like weeks of rain we finally have a clear weekend with GORGEOUS weather in the forecast – I’m beyond excited! I’m hoping for lots of backyard fires and hiking (now that the rain cleared out the pollen), mixed with a good amount of sleep. Lord knows we need it!
I hope you guys have an amazing weekend filled with people you love – and enjoy these lovely links while you’re at it!
- Put on the damn swimsuit. AMEN.
- This gal did all my site stuff and I can’t recommend using her enough AND subscribing to her amazing blog!
- Baking is all in the hands – I love pieces like this that make me feel like I’m right there!
- That fragrance you love might just be terrible for you…
- Top 10 androgen killers (hint: they’re probably all over your house – this is important for everyone, especially the guys)
- Learning your new self – a post on motherhood that I LOVE. If there’s anything that’s brought me more confidence in who I am it’s becoming a mom.
- It’s smart to invest in a mother’s leave from work. Gotta say, I totally agree with this.
- Start with you. Not in the name of selfishness, but because it really can’t start anywhere else.
- Have to be honest here – I’m not sure why EVERYONE isn’t considering this.
- This is a beautiful way to make a difference in someone’s life. (Also when can we all just give each other grace?)
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