Hello hello! How’s Tuesday afternoon for y’all? Other than incredibly windy, mine’s going OK 🙂
Lunch today was a slice of leftover Mexican pizza:
I also had another of Mama Pea’s KIND bars, but didn’t take a picture…OOPS! Still just as yummy as this morning though 🙂
Today I was thinking about my old blog, The Joyful Kitchen, and wondering if I felt like that was still an applicable title. When I started that blog it was to create recipes, but not once did it cross my mind to use my blog as an online journal of sorts. It’s funny because I never realized how much I truly love writing until I started to do it every day again. Blogging has not only been a way for me to view what I eat and hold me accountable for that, it’s become a way of expressing my life, day in and day out, to all of you.
So where does the joy part come in? I think I best explained it in my “Why Joyful” section, but I’m going to copy and paste it for you here:
My intention with this blog is not to talk every single day about being joyful and in the kitchen; however, my hope is that I convey a joyful life (most of the time…I’m only human, you know!) and how that affects my relationships with my family and friends, and my relationship with food.
For so long I had a love-hate relationship with food: loving it, eating too much, and then hating myself afterwards. It’s been a long road to get to the point that I’m at today, where I appreciate food but try to love myself more. There are two verses in the Bible that have helped me (along with the healing power of God, and the love of my family and friends):
Romans 12:12 “Be JOYFUL in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.”
Psalm 45:1 “The king is enthralled with your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.”
These two verses taught me two things: to be joyful in life and that I am beautiful. No matter what I think, I AM beautiful. I wanted for so long to just be happy with myself, and honestly it’s something I still have to work on day in and day out. But I am JOYFUL in the hope that one day I will understand my beauty and what God’s will is for my life.
If you are not a believer, I still think that these two verses are pertinent to your life. We all need to have the joy of hope in our hearts, and be thankful for the blessings we do have. We all need to be patient when things are hard, and we all need to know that we are beautiful. I’d love to answer any questions you might have about my faith and how I draw hope and strength from it.
What do you find joy in in your life? What things make you happy, hopeful, and grateful? What makes you feel beautiful? I find joy in listening to my husband sing in the mornings, my puppies getting excited to see me if I’m gone for 2 seconds, laughing with friends, seeing a text message from my sister, talking to my family, and I find the most joy in praising God. All of these things make me happy, hopeful, and grateful. And I feel beautiful when my husband kisses me, right after I work out, and in those moments when I truly and fully love myself for just being ME. 🙂
*oops..sorry this was from me…my sister was logged in on my laptop! 🙂
This post brought tears to my eyes! It is so true, the Lord has been teaching me about the true depth of beauty that is in us, because He created us in His image!
HE makes me feel beautiful! When I go to Him, He reveals His beauty to me, which shines through me!
This post brought tears to my eyes! It is so true, the Lord has been teaching me about the true depth of beauty that is in us, because He created us in His image!
HE makes me feel beautiful! When I go to Him, He reveals His beauty to me, which shines through me!
Joy, such an intersting word. 🙂
True joy is peace within despite outward circumstances.
I love joy!!!
I find joy in knowing that no matter what is going on, I have a Savior who loves me and is with me. NO.MATTER.WHAT. 🙂
I find joy in the blessings He’s given me, like My kids. Oh my gosh.
My day could be sucktastic, and the moment I see their faces…..none of the suckiness even matters.
Kind of a glimpse into how God looks at us, since we’re His children 😉
I find joy in my husbands love. It is so unconditional that it still shocks me sometimes.
Awesome post!
Great post Heather!
I find joy in so many things but mostly my beautiful Midgets and my amazing Husband. They truly make my life amazing. They remind me how blessed I am every day.
Do you know how great it made me feel to come to your blog and see the word JOY at the top? I smiled right away, knowing I was going to be touched by your words!
I feel joy when I take a moment and stop my busy life and my busy mind and just thank God for the blessing that is life.
I feel beautiful when my husband looks at me in this certain way that I don’t even know how to describe…but it’s a look that says, “I am more in love with you than ever.” It’s the best! 🙂
LOVE this!!! I think it’s really important to set apart JOY from happiness. You see, sometimes I’m not the happiest person in the world. But deep down inside, I am always joyful. Why? Because I have so many amazing blessings in my life, but even more so because I have the joy of Christ within me. He gives me joy when I couldn’t scrape it up if I tried!
And as far as what makes me feel beautiful? Well, this is kind of a weird answer, but I’d say yoga. That’s when I feel the most strong, confident, and secure in my beauty!
I love the purpose of your blog… My greatest job comes from caring for my patients in the hospital, watching my husband lead worship, and reflecting on my heavenly father
My greatest joy comes from my family, especially my nephew. Who could not be joyful watching a beautiful little being grow up?!
I love a good tooth-brushing and putting on a crisp shirt. I know it’s bizarre but I think I just feel so refreshed at that point
I don’t think it’s bizarre at all ! 😉 Now that you mention it… I think I find joy in those things too HEHE
I find so much joy in talking to you, mommy, daddy, and nate…and when Chad sends me little text messages just saying hi, and talking to caitlin whenever we can get a chance. One of my favorite things that I just recently started to do (since my school schedule has slown down a tad) is to walk around campus and just smile at people….I get so much joy from that :-)…oh yeah, and coaching and playing volleyball….so much to be joyful about it seems lol
I find joy in creating recipes, my cat that I’ve had since I was in 6th grade (!), spending time with my hubby… 😉
I love love love those two Bible verses. They are so very inpiring. It’s so hard to remain joyful at all times, for sure. I’ve had a really hard time with it but I try to pretend I’m happy even if i’m not, and usually I can trick myself into it 😉 I find joy in my work, hugs from my kids, baking, my friends, and above all, my Lord.
I find joy in my cats. Pets love unconditionally. They can tell when you’re upset. My boyfriend makes me feel beautiful and I feel beautiful and powerful when I complete a fitness goal. Even small goals –like beating my fastest run time–make me happy.
My husband…he is amazing…beyond words amazing.