Y’all, I won’t lie to you here – this very well could be in the top 10 recipes I’ve ever made in my life. I know food bloggers probably say stuff like that all the time, but I mean it. I could eat this with any meal or AS any meal forever and ever amen.
See, I have this love affair with rice. We’re a fairly low-carb family, but you put a pot of rice in front of me and I’m going to town. I don’t eat it all the time, so when I do I make sure it’s totally worth the wait. These jalapeno cheddar rice cakes fall squarely in that category of being worth every.single.bite!
They have that crunchy rice exterior, a perfect al dente rice bite, and tons of cheese. They’re studded with jalapenos on the inside, and have thin slices of them on the outside. You can make them as big or as small as you want, a point that I’m truly torn on. See, if you make ’em large and in charge then you really only need (what does ‘need’ reeeeeaaaallllllly mean anyway?) one. If you make them small, though, you can enjoy more and the amount of crispiness increases significantly. Really there’s no wrong answer…so just double the batch and make more anyway!
Trust me, you guys are my friends and you WANT TO HAVE THIS IN YOUR LIFE. Check out the recipe with Riceland here!
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