My sweet friend Beth has a SUPER amazing series on her blog about Evernote. I have yet to become an Evernote ninja, but I love the idea of something that can house all the things! Here’s the series: An Evernote Primer, Adopting the Ways of the Cult and Enabling Super Ninja Powers.
I thought this post on why Steve Jobs didn’t let his kids use iPads was really interesting. Not in a judging way, but definitely some food for thought. We let Wes play with our phones (educational games only) about 20-30 minutes a day MAX, but I have to agree that learning and creativity don’t always come from the internet.
Loved this article on stay-at-home parenting being a luxury to your spouse. Honestly I feel guilty that I work from home sometimes, despite the fact that Nate says everything that’s in this article on a regular basis. A refreshing point of view on the days that I can’t seem to find the words to justify what I do!
I adore all of the apple-picking photos I’ve seen lately, but these take the cake. Can I go to that orchard? And can they have a pan of those apple cinnamon rolls for me when I get there? Please and thank you!
The Nester is hosting her 31 day challenge again this year! While I won’t be participating this time around I HIGHLY suggest checking out all of the links to find daily inspiration!
I love your lists always!!
Evernote…I keep hearing and I need to open that gate. Eventually. Sounds like a great place to start!
ipads, smart phones…Oh Levi has busted through any sort of rules or regulations.
#fourthchildissues. I’ve got to read that article though!
So many challenges and month-long communities this month. I’m joining all of none of them but they all sound good. (Well, i’m trying to keep up on the MOB society praying for sons this month, but just peeking in really.) I need more hours!
Much love to you and keep growing that baby well. Aloha!
(Oh, and I had to laugh at you crying over the dream that you were in Hawaii…I think that was a sign you should start planning a trip!)
Girl, LIFE is a sign we should be planning a trip to Hawaii 🙂
Having one parent home would be a luxury! Having a spouse with a flexible work structure to help out with emergencies is also a luxury!
Yep! I couldn’t agree more 🙂
Evernote is amazing! My husband and I have everything in there and it’s so nice. We can pretty much always find everything we need in one place. It takes quite a bit of work to set up, but it’s so worth it!
P.S.It’s been awhile since I’ve commented to say how much I love your blog and how excited I am for you guys having baby number two! What a blessing. Praying for your pregnancy to be smooth and healthy!
I think that’s the biggest hurdle for me with it is the set-up time. I need to dedicate a full day to just getting it all set up and then enjoy!!! And thank you so much for your sweet words dear friend 🙂
Aww – thanks for the sweet mention, friend! I LOVE hearing about the aha moment when Evernote starts to rock someone’s world. Thanks so much for sharing with your readers. Hope you are fabulous and that nothing makes you cry today! 🙂
Girl, something makes me cry almost every day (which makes me sound like a total sadsack, but you know what I mean :))