When I heard my kids describe my marriage. Monica is rocking these family-oriented posts lately, and this one is no different! Because I think we all know how our own parents’ marriage(s) have created long-term effects (both positive and negative) on our own relationships…something to think about!
Thrive Moms announced their Fall Retreat and I instantly signed up. PLUS IT’S FREE!
This simple oat + pecan crisp from Pinch of Yum inspired by Shauna. Seriously gorgeous, seriously perfect.
Behind the scenes of a personal food photography shoot. Definitely shows the in-depth thought and creativity that we all go through to shoot pretty food! PLUS IT’S JUST SO PRETTY 🙂
Because God’s grace extends to the internet. Amen. Exactly what I needed to read and take heart in these days.
SEO for bloggers – the quick & dirty. A simple and easy read to figure out the SEO equation!
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