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Y’all, I feel like I have had the best idea INTHEWORLD and I am SO hopped up on excitement and adrendaline I don’t even know where to start! If it’s something that turns into a reality, you guys will be the first to know, but I’ll be brainstorming all night and all weekend to make sure that it’s something I can do. Do you ever just get so excited about something that you can hardly stand it?! First off, the treats from today:
Honest opinion? The frosting was (as usual) to die for. The cookie bar? Gross. The recipe I used (the link is on this morning’s post) called for WAY too much flour and that’s what it tasted like: flour with really good frosting. Blech! Lunch wasn’t much better either. I had leftover soup and a sandwich thin with cheddar cheese:
Actually, the flavors in this were really good, but none of it tasted really good to me. I ate the sandwich thin + cheese and about 1/3 of the soup and then just gave up. No point in forcing food down my throat.
The rest of the afternoon FLEW by and then it started raining and hailing about 10 minutes before my scheduled walk, which meant no walking on the bike path today! I’ll just have to do some workouts at home tonight, but it’s probably better that I didn’t walk anyway since my knee was still a little sore from yesterday. I ended up getting some place mats and a banana hanger from Marshall’s and hit up Whole Foods for some chia seeds. Afternoon snack was something I’ve been dreaming of for a LONG time:
My word, I do love a good bottle/cup of slightly sweetened black tea! It always reminds me of summers in college when my gorgeous friend Sarah and I would go to McAlister’s and get iced tea, then sit on the patio and talk for hours. We would refill our tea (woohoo for free refills!) 3 or 4 times and then come home hopped up on caffeine. SO fun! I miss those days sometimes!
Tonight is going to be filled with some granola making, working out, TV-watching, brainstorming, and (of course) eating. Can’t wait to work on this idea some more and hopefully (fingers crossed!) be able to make an announcement about it soon!
Just for fun: What was the first CD you ever owned? Why was that your first? Do you still have it? Mine was Hanson’s “Middle of Nowhere” album! I was so in love with Taylor…and SO SURE we were meant to be together! I actually don’t still have the CD, but sometimes I really wish I did!
Teri [a foodie stays fit] says
The first CD I owned was Shania Twain’s Come on Over. 🙂
Ally B says
Ha ha my first tape I ever owned (grade 1) was Green Day’s Dookie, I know I still have it around somewhere. My first CD was Alanis Morrissette
Salah says
hahaha i have no idea what my first cd was….prob like mariah carey or something
rebecca says
ooohhh – can’t wait to hear about your idea!
i think my first cd was green day’s “dookie”…….ugh! i HATE that word! i can’t believe i just typed it!
Lara (Thinspired) says
Your idea sounds exciting! I hope it works out for you 🙂
My first CD was inherited from my big sister–the original Madonna album. I loved it so much!
lpskins says
I cannot wait to hear this idea. first CD…hmm maybe Maria Carey. I think I signed up for all those Columbia house scams.
peanutbutterfingers says
i think my first CD was alanis morisette “jagged little pill” – ah i still love it!
Jennifer says
I’m really excited to hear about your idea! My first c.d. was The Spice Girls! If ya wannabe my lover!
Eunice says
I couldn’t tell you the first CD I ever bought, but I do remember the first cassette tape! Boyz II Men II. I was all about some R&B! haha
Bethany says
Man! Way to leave us hanging! Let us know about your idea, soon!
I think my first CD was U2 — from my brother, who was always way cooler than me 🙂
Christie {Honoring Health} says
I can’t wait to hear more about your idea!!
I honestly do not remember what my first CD was. Oddly, I remember that my first record was Michael Jackson 😀 Yes, I am old.
theprocessofhealing says
Yay for the great idea!!! That is so exciting and I can’t wait to hear more about it! There’s nothing like when you are SO excited about something and it comes through!
You totally just gave me the HUGEST craving for some iced tea..delicious! I think it’s like against the law down here in the South to dislike iced tea haha
The first CD I owned was a Vince Gill cd, back in the day when I listened to country music. It was so exciting! It was followed closely by Britney Spears. The good old days…
Much love!
Tina says
I got my first two CDs at the same time. An Amy Grant CD (the “paved paradise and put up a parking lot” one) and the original Ace of Base CD. Oh, memories!!!
I am excited to hear what you are so thrilled about!
quarterlifewellness says
I was REALLY SICKLY convinced Zac and I were going to be together forever. hahaha.
My first CD was the Free Willy soundtrack. holla!
Eunice says
Hahaha this made me laugh. Free Willy was shizzzzz!
hundredtenpounds says
Pearl Jam Vitalogy! lol
Katie @ Health for the Whole Self says
Oh I’m so excited for your idea! 🙂
Not sure about the first CD I owned, but my first cassette tape was Ace of Base…heck yeah! Ha!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
Hey, i can one-up the CD thing… I remember what the first TAPE i owned was! It was The Bodyguard Soundtrack. Then my first CD was R.E.M. Green… 🙂
Jessica @ How Sweet says
Bummer about the treat! I hate when stuff doesn’t turn out. My first CD was Alanis Morisette!
Meg @ Be Fit Be Full says
You’re excitement is very contagious! I feel so excited for you and I have no idea what that is yet!
The Foodie Diaries says
idea adrenaline is productivity’s best friend. i’m so excited to hear about whatever you’re conjuring up!
Hillary says
mmm…love tazo black!
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
OMG… I have no idea what the first CD I ever owned. I’m pretty sure my first cassette tape with either Michael Jackson, or Taylor Dayne…
I can’t wait to hear about your idea! Hope it all works out 🙂
Kelly says
WOW…I have no idea what the first CD I owned was!
I hope everything works out for you and can’t wait to hear all about it!! 🙂 WOOT!