Hey guys! First of all, thank you SO MUCH for the encouraging comments you have all left me from this morning’s post! I am overwhelmed by y’alls kind words 🙂 I’ve said all along that this weight-loss journey isn’t going to be easy, but I’m understanding more and more every day how difficult it will be from time to time. So many years of disordered eating and thinking have really thrown me off, but I feel like I’m on the right track now. Hopefully I get there sooner than later, because my life is too short to worry about this stuff!
In other news, a sweet co-worker brought some lemon bars for me and another guy to try out. That’s right: turns out I’m the office lemon bar expert!
These were SOOOO good…I’m tellin’ ya’, it’s a good thing she works upstairs or this post could be going in another direction. Creamy buttery perfection. YUM!
Lunch was about 1/2 a cup of the leftover Gnocchi with Bacon and Peas from last night in the coveted Tucan Sam mug:
OK, OK, the mug might not be coveted, but it should be! So bright and colorful 🙂
I just got back from my walk, and it felt so great to get out and go! I was planning on trying some running, but my knee would start hurting every time I tried, so I just kept walking instead. I’m starting to realize that I might not ever run again other than in a sport, and I’m trying to work on accepting that thought if it becomes an evident truth. We’ll see what happens. I’m hoping to do Level 2 of 30-Day Shred tonight, even though it’ll likely be a little late.
My snack was 1.5 cups of plain yogurt, 3/4 cup pumpkin puree, cinnamon, and Grape Nuts (teehee) and cranberries. So creamy and good!
As I’ve been at work today I’ve been thinking about things that I never want to give up (foods that is). There are so many things that I really enjoy eating and drinking, and I just don’t know if I would be OK being without them! Here’s the top 5 list:
- Garlic. Garlic is to me as bacon is to Jessica.
- Bread. No number of low-carb diets is gonna keep me from being a bread-lover.
- Butter. Does this really need an explanation? I mean, come on: it’s butter!
- Cheese. I love it all. It’s sweet, salty, creamy, crumbly, everything. It’s lovely.
- Water. This is cliche, I know, but I LOVE water. I’m that person that orders water to drink at every restaurant and the waitstaff rolls their eyes like I’m some kind of cheap-o patron, but hey! Guess what? I really like water!
I realize that these (other than water) are really not all considered “healthy” but that’s the point! There are so many things that we’re asked to leave behind to live a healthier lifestyle (highly processed food, fast food, chemicals of any kind, etc), but these 5 things I would find it very hard to live without. But running? Yes, I could totally live without running. And maybe that’s a good thing 😉
What about you? What’s your top five list, and why?
Last, we’re going to go over to our friends’ house tonight for the “first brew” in the guy’s home-brewing extravaganza. Should have some good pictures that come out of it!
A weight loss journey is challenging. It takes time, but I’m glad you are on the right track!
This is my top five list:
1. almond butter
2. salmon
3. butter
4. eggs
5. chocolate
I love food lists! Lets see, this is what I’d choose:
1. Red Wine
2. Bread
3. Butter
4. Cheese
5. stuffed salmon
And the list continues from there since there’s absolutely NOTHING I won’t eat, but those are my staples! 🙂
Woah, thats a tough one.
I’m going to say yogurt & fruit. I love them both soooo much. I could eat just fruit if it was enough to survive on.
Oh my goodness-I just started my very own blog just a couple of days ago and it is nowhere near as nice as yours! Your cooking looks delicious and all of your pictures are so clear! Great Job! Hopefully mine will be on the right track to being even better soon!
My 5 ingredeints include;
1 – Water
2 – Sweet Potato
3 – Walnuts
4 – Hemp Seed
5 – Almond butter
I can live off of these items here with no problem.. 🙂
Oh man, there could be WAY worse foods on your list! lol At least those are all whole foods and not frankenfoods. =)
Cheese is my #1 never give up food. I may reduce how much I eat, but I’ll never give it up!
That is a tough one!
Let’s see…
2.Caffine (coffee, tea, lo-carb Monster)
Totally cheated by making fruit & veggies each only count as one thing but this was hard!
LOVE your perspective!
Totally agree! I could never give up any of those!!!
That lemon bar looks SO GOOD!
Hmm good question. My top 5 list is….
1. Pasta
2. FRUIT (especially berries and tropical fruit)
3. Beans (especially chick peas)
4. Almond milk
5. Dark chocolate (I could probably live without it, but I would be very very sad)
I have had to give up so many foods because of my health issues so my list has really changed. Things I thought I could never live without actually make me feel sick so though they weren’t easy to give up, I have and am doing fine.
My new top five are:
1. oat bran
2. avocado
3. raw almond butter
4. sweet potatoes
5. brown rice pasta
I know, my list is wild and crazy 😀
1.sweet potatoes/butternut squash/carrots (anything orange)
2. H2O Baby! That stuff never gets old!
3. Green tea!
4. Cheese fo sho!
5. Bread and/or ice cream…that’s a difficult one!
Hey chicadee. Loved your earlier post because I can soo sooo relate. We self sabotage ourselves which allows our habits to continue.
We do deserve to love ourselves damn it all.
You’re going to do great!
P.S. I just drooled over that lemon bar. Never seen one so creamy looking.
oh my goodness..this is hard! In no particular order…
-pnut butter
-dark chocolate
-in season berries!!
Hmmm…avocado…hummus…apples…CHOCOLATE!!! 😉
I guess coffee would have to be on there too 🙂
That bowl is too cute! lol
I have so many…it is hard to choose! But here are a few
cereal: hot and cold
ice cream
spices (I know this is general but I hate bland food!)