UncategorizedI Am 12 Years Old SharePinTweet0 SharesHA. HAHA. HAHAHA. THE END 🙂 SharePinTweet0 Shares
Ilana says July 14, 2010 at 5:02 pm best. blog. post. ever. excuse me i need to go wipe water off my computer screen now. i spit it out when i started cracking up. Reply
hundredtenpounds says July 14, 2010 at 4:54 pm We could be twins. I LOVE funny signs and take too many pictures of ridiculous signs I think are funny. 🙂 Reply
so funny…
Friggin’ HILARIOUS!!
hahahaha classic.
hahaha! That’s all I can say.
That’s hysterical!!!! Thanks for the chuckle!
clearly I am 12, too 😀
So cute 🙂
hahaha great find
best. blog. post. ever.
excuse me i need to go wipe water off my computer screen now. i spit it out when i started cracking up.
Most balls are pretty foul.
We could be twins. I LOVE funny signs and take too many pictures of ridiculous signs I think are funny. 🙂
I am totally cracking up! Love it!
hahhaaha – you are not 12. you are AWESOME.