This contest is now closed. The winner has been notified. Thank you all!
A few weekends ago I had the great privilege of being a guest of Riceland Foods at the World Duck Calling Championship in Stuttgart, Arkansas. I’m not kidding, I was super nervous about this little trip because I’ve never in my life been hunting or really close to anyone who does it often. Duck calling in and of itself is a new thing (did you know there are tons of different calls for specific actions you’re looking for a duck to do?). And then Georgia Pellegrini was going to be there and doing some really fun cooking demos.
Nervous wreck. All of the social awkwardness came rushing to the surface.
But you guys? I had a blast. Georgia is the sweetest thing and SUCH a great chef. Stuttgart is a really fun place and I honestly can’t say enough good things about Riceland. I had a blast with a great group of bloggers, learned a lot and left super inspired. It was such a great little day trip and one that I hope we can make a family tradition from now on!
I’ve been digging into Georgia’s books lately and was lucky enough to get a copy of Modern Pioneering to share with you guys! Y’all, this is SUCH a gem and has so many great tips and tricks that I love. I’m hardly a pioneer, but the book is chock full of really fun things to do and try. I particularly love the section on the art of dried foods, but every recipe in there sounds delicious and exciting. I am really excited to try a lot of the gardening tips this spring, and a few other projects as well. And guess what? One of YOU gets to win a copy too! Details below!
Recipe by Georgia Pellegrini, Modern Pioneering
- 1 fresh ripe pineapple
- Preheat oven to 200ºF. As a quick note, if you have an oven with a convection option that will work better to crisp up the chips, but should you use that option make sure you follow the oven manufacturer’s directions on temperature. For example, most will instruct to lower the temperature by 25ºF, so you would preheat oven to 175ºF.
- VERY thinly slice the fresh pineapple using a mandolin. I got mine at Walmart for $9 – it doesn’t have to be pricey!
- Spread two large baking sheets with parchment paper. Georgia recommends lightly brushing them with oil; I did not and ended up with more of a chewy texture, but I like them better that way.
- Lay the thinly sliced pineapple in a single layer on the prepared baking sheets.
- Bake at 200ºF for 2-3 hours, rotating the baking sheets halfway through.
- Let cool completely overnight to let them dry out more.
- Enjoy!
GIVEAWAY DETAILS! I am giving away one copy of Modern Pioneering by Georgia Pellegrini to one lucky reader! Must have a US mailing address to enter. Giveaway goes until 9pm CST Thursday night (December 18, 2014) and the winner will be notified via email. To enter just tell me this: what’s your favorite dried fruit? I must admit these pineapple chips have been a BIG win for me, but I usually stick with apricots or cherries – so sweet!
I love all dried fruit, but my favorite is dried apples.
I like apricots or mangoes.
I love dried cranberries in salads.
This is so cool, I never would have thought of doing this with pineapple! My favorite dried fruits are all berries (especially cranberries, blueberries, and cherries) — I like to add them to homemade granola or to oatmeal.
I love dried apples! So great in oatmeal!!!!
Bananas! And I love freeze dried strawberries!
I’m a huge fan of dried cranberries! There’s something nice about the tartness.
I love dried apricots.
Banana chips are my favorite.
i love a dried mango.
I love mango dried fruit! I have never thought about making it myself, I bet it’s so much cheaper and better for you!
Dried mango!
Favorite dried fruit is apple…so easy to do in the oven or dehydrator!
ooooooo…I like me some dried fruit! The dried mango from Costco is particularly addictive!
I love dried cherries, and… I was just drooling over all of Georgia’s books 2 days ago!
I saw when all of the ARWB got to meet Georgia and I was super jealous! I enjoyed seeing all of your guys’ pictures from the event. My favorite dried fruit is dried banana chips
Apples! Gotta love dried apples!