There are a lot of things I miss about Texas: our family, the culture, the people, the Tex-Mex and actual authentic Mexican food. The ridiculous shopping and the fact that you don’t have to turn into a side street just to get into any parking lot. But there’s one thing that I’ve been missing a lot more than usual lately: Blue Bell ice cream.
No doubt there are other good ice creams out there, but if you’re from Texas you know what a gem this stuff is. It’s creamy, it’s sweet, they have the best flavors. And when they say Homemade Vanilla, it actually tastes like homemade vanilla.
I’m officially obsessed with it, and have been since I decided to give vanilla ice cream a try at the age of 16. Why didn’t I like vanilla ice cream before? Who knows. I wish I could explain myself sometimes…
Confession: I don’t love mint chocolate chip, but it’s Blue Bell and I’m so desperate for that
crack ice cream I’d eat any flavor they have. Oh, did I mention how we obtained this treasure? Our amazing friend Amy brought it over! You see, it’s actually a really big deal that there’s Blue Bell at our house right now…up until yesterday the only place we thought we could get it was in Texas. No more my friends. The nation’s #3 best-selling ice cream is now in Colorado. This state will never be the same.
Anyway, I could have made some crazy brownie concoction last night, but when the ice cream arrived at our house there was no productivity from that point on. Nor will there be from now on since I can ride my bike down to the store and buy it anytime I want. I apologize in advance!
All that being said, here’s the commercial I grew up seeing for this stuff…and this is how you know it’s good. So farewell my friends…I’m going to go eat my weight in homemade vanilla and check in during the sugar highs 😉
I have just now discovered your blog and found this post! I am from Austin and now live in Arizona. We too just got Bluebell in the stores and my husband just didn’t quite understand when I came home with $15 worth of ice cream almost in tears!! Worth every penny and calorie! My friends and I used to drive to Brennen just to take the factory tour because it ended with a free scoop of ice cream:) LOVE!
I actually got a scholarship from Blue Bell in college and got to sit with one of the original founders at a scholarship luncheon. Needless to say, I’m a life long fan. Cookies and Cream is tops on my list.
LOVE Bluebell!!! I live in Austin and it’s definitely a special treat!! Anyone that ever comes to visit Texas needs to get a taste of this… or maybe not, because it will forever change your opinion of ice cream 🙂
I hear a lot about this brand of ice cream! And because I am SO into ice cream.. I think it is the one reason I need to head to Texas.
I’ve never had blue bell ice cream but it sounds delicious! I’m always an ice cream lover. Classic vanilla always makes me happy.
I LOVE bluebell homemade vanilla! 🙂 I haven’t had it in way too long! Thank you for reminding me of it’s amazingness!
BB homemade vanill is amazing. Love their old tagline “we eat all we can and sell the rest.”
btw, you have a very nice blog. Love your page about Joy.
I’ve never had Blue Bell, but after watching the commercial, I want to have MYself a Blue Bell Country day! 🙂
I don’t like mint chocolate chip either, blech!
Blue bell makes me think of mom and dad 🙂 I love you all!
I definitely love the different flavors of Blue Bell, but you’re right, nothing beats their Homemade Vanilla!
Oh my – I am so sad you can no longer have Blue Bell! The birthday cake and blackberry cobbler are two of my favorites (besides the homeade vanilla!)
I feel like I need to mail you some in dry ice 😉 !!!!
I love the pureness of vanilla ice cream – if it’s really good (which this ice cream obviously is), vanilla needs no toppings!
I wonder if this is in MA. I’ll have to keep an eye out for it. I loooovvveee ice cream.!
I don’t really love plain vanilla but you have me sold!
LOVE Blue Bell. I didn’t realize it wasn’t available everywhere. Come visit me and we can chow some blue bell together. I think I had it every single night at the end of my pregnancy with M. Might explain her obsessino with ice cream now.
Ohhhhhhhhh, Blue Bell. I love it so.
The Blue Bell plant is in Brenham, Texas which is only about 45 minutes from Austin…so as a kid we used to take field trips there all the time! Good times.
I’ve never had Blue Bell! Now I really want to try some!
OH MY GOODNESS!! I lived in Texas for 7 years and Blue Bell is THE.BEST.ICE CREAM.EVER. Nothing beats it. and I am soooo jealous it is in Colorado now. It needs to come to Utah, ASAP.
I love it. They have just started selling Blue Bell here in certain areas. I’m now feeling the urge to find some now. I hope that your having fun enjoying your Blue Bell high. LOL!
I’ve never heard of this, but I get the obsession with a type of ice cream. I grew up in a town with one of the biggest ice cream shops in the state. I never really liked ice cream that much (don’t hate!) but even when I have it now nothing compares to that stuff.
I must admit I’ve never tried Blue Bell ice cream, but I can relate to any obsession that has to do with ice cream.