HPJ stands for “Healthy Pants Journey!” This page is dedicated to posting my workouts that I’ll be performing to reach my “healthy” size. Today is February 25, and my hope is that by March 16 I’ll fit into my old favorite pants that I haven’t been able to wear for a while! There will be no calculating of the calories in vs calories out. This is strictly to visually show where I’m at currently, where I will be a month from now, and the workouts that helped get me there. Let’s get started!
February 25, 2010
Walking at 4.5 mph for one hour
30-Day Shred Level 2
25 Minutes Namaste Yoga
February 25, 2010
25 minutes Namaste Yoga
30-Day Shred Level 1 – hardest version of every exercise
Whittle Your Middle 2 – I’m starting this today with Katie from Two Lives One Lifestyle…right Katie?! 🙂
February 26, 2010
Whittle Your Middle 2 Day 2
25 minutes Namaste Yoga
February 27, 2010
Skiing hard for 5 hours/rest day
February 28, 2010
Whittle Your Middle 2 Days 3 & 4
Arm Circuit
- single leg front and lateral shoulder flexion: total 10 each direction with 5 lb weights
- jumping jacks x 1 minute
- plie squats with bicep curls: total 15 with 10 lb weights
- jump rope x 1 minute
- single leg row: total 15 with 20 lb weighted bar
- stairs x 1 minute
- tricep extension: total 15 with 20 lb weight
- plank x 1 minute
- push-ups: total 15 with body weight
This is to be completed 4 times! Should be fun 😉
March 1, 2010
Whittle Your Middle 2 Day 5
25 minutes of Namaste Yoga for legs
1 hour walk at 4.5mph on the Boulder Creek trail
March 2, 2010
Rest day from Whittle My Middle 2!!! my abs are saying thank you… 🙂
30 minutes walk/run to park 1.5 miles from the office
Body weight leg circuit
- walking lunges (20 on each side, 40 total)
- jumping jacks for 1 minute
- body weight squats (25)
- high knees for 1 minute
- plie squats & jump (15 plie squat with jump in between each one)
- jump rope for 1 minute
- tick-tock lunges (lunge forward & backward with right leg x 15 and repeat on left side)
- quick feet (football drill) for 30 seconds
- standing calf raises (25)
- plank
Circuit to be repeated 4 times. This is going to be fun to walk/run down, do the circuit, and then walk/run back! Hurray for working out in the sunshine!
March 3, 2010
Whittle My Middle 2 Day 7 – I’m starting to feel SO much stronger! I could hold the plank for the full 90 seconds and even did it single-legged at times!
25 minutes of Namaste Yoga
1 hour walk at 4.5 mph on the Boulder Creek trail in the AMAZING sunshine 🙂
March 4, 2010
Whittle My Middle 2 Day 8 – that 2 minute plank kicked.my.tail
1 hour walk at 4.5 mph on the Boulder Creek trail – LOVE the spring weather!
March 5, 2010
Rest day #2 for Whittle My Middle 2 Day 9
25 minutes of Namaste Yoga (lots of planks, side planks, and down dogs!)
1 hour walk at 4.5 mpg on Boulder Creek Trail (that is if it doesn’t rain or snow on me!)
Arm Circuit (to be completed 3-4 times with 1 minute rest between each circuit)
- single leg front and lateral shoulder flexion: total 10 each direction with 5 lb weights
- plie squats with bicep curls: total 15 with 10 lb weights
- single leg row: total 15 with 20 lb weighted bar
- tricep extension: total 15 with 20 lb weight
- plank x 1 minute
- push-ups: total 15 with body weight
March 6, 2010
Rest day – unless you count de-pooping the backyard as exercise 🙂 I’m going to try and use today as an example for getting over exercise guilt… :/
March 7, 2010
Rest day…I’m also going to try and use today as an example for getting over exercise guilt… :/
March 8, 2010
Walk for 1 hour at 4.5 mph on Boulder Creek trail
March 9, 2010
25 minutes of Namaste Yoga
1 hour 4.5 mph walk on Boulder Creek trail
Some sort of weight lifting (I’ve really been slacking on this the past couple of days and need to do a good leg workout!)
March 10, 2010
half of Whittle My Middle 2 from the day that I stopped because my wrists were hurting (March 8 I believe) – otherwise it would be a rest day
25 minutes of Namaste Yoga, specific to hamstring stretches
1 hour 4.5 mph walk on Boulder Creek trail (didn’t happen because it was snowing!)
Side note: I’m going to start working on leg strengthening a lot more intensively soon. I feel that my knee would be a lot better if my legs were stronger as well as more flexible. So look for more leg exercises soon!
March 11, 2010
1 hour 4.5 mph walk on Boulder Creek trail (hopefully – no snow in the forecast!)
March 12, 2010
25 minutes of Namaste Yoga (lots of warriors, triangles, etc)
1 hour of walking on Boulder Creek path at a slower pace
March 13, 2010
total rest day
March 14, 2010
Whittle My Middle 2 x 2 since I rested yesterday
25 minutes of Namaste Yoga
March 15, 2010
25 minutes of Namaste Yoga
walk VERY SLOWLY for an hour on Boulder Creek Path
Circuit 3 times, rest for 1 minute at end
- shoulder press (15 pounds x 10)
- bicep curls (13 pounds x 10)
- tricep kickbacks (8 pounds x 10)
- push ups (20 on knees)
- bent rows (15 pounds each side x 10)
- supermans (20 total)
- seated straight leg lifts (body weight, 10 on each side)
- standing single leg side lift with bar (bar x 10 each side)
- plie squats (20 pounds, 15 total)
- calf raises (body weight on stairs x 25)
- squats and lunges (body weight, 25 squats, 10 lunges per leg)
March 16, 2010
Today is officially the last day of the HPJ! And the great news is that I have successfully fit into the jeans I was planning on! I’m still not at my goal just yet, but I’ve seen a huge difference in strength from the beginning to the end of this challenge. If you have any questions about this at all, please feel free to email me at heathersdish@gmail.com!