UncategorizedHe Speaks SharePinTweet0 SharesCan the real Bunker please stand up? SharePinTweet0 Shares
Julie says March 22, 2011 at 7:34 pm I loved this! My dog is a husky and she sings like nobodies business. I love when she “talks”. Reply
savoringsarah says March 21, 2011 at 1:26 pm HAHA!!! Jax does this too…but ONLY when he has a special toy in his mouth. Don’t ask me how he determines the toy is special…because it differs from week to week…but he gets *SO EXCITED* and prances around ‘talking’. I die. Reply
Julie says
I loved this! My dog is a husky and she sings like nobodies business. I love when she “talks”.
Salah says
yourdailygrace says
Too cute!
Lisa @ I'm an Okie says
Dogs are the best.
savoringsarah says
HAHA!!! Jax does this too…but ONLY when he has a special toy in his mouth. Don’t ask me how he determines the toy is special…because it differs from week to week…but he gets *SO EXCITED* and prances around ‘talking’. I die.