One year ago today Weston Jay was born after 41.5 weeks of pregnancy, 11 hours of labor, and 15 minutes of surgery via C-section. He is the most amazing baby, and is turning into the sweetest, funniest, smartest and strongest little boy we could ever imagine. I still look at him after all of these months and tear up, so thankful for every second we get to spend with him. Being a mother to Weston has made me FEEL so much – I realize even more how much I love his daddy, how much I love my parents and sister, how much I just adore him. Being his mother has given me a glimpse of how much God loves us all, which is a LOT because there’s no way I would let my son die for the sins of the world. We are so blessed!
I have plans of doing a full recap of his first year sometime soon, but for now I just want to celebrate with my guy. I hope you guys have a fantastic Friday and an even better weekend!
Much love,
I cannot believe it has been a year already! I was 4 months pregnant when Weston was born. Wow, I’m sure my little Gabriel will be joining Weston in the big 1 club soon, EEK!
It’ll be here before you know it!!!
I hope your sweet boy had a wonderful birthday, Heather!!! I can’t believe our babies are turning one!
I KNOW – it really does feel like just yesterday, right?!
In late : HAPPY BIRTHDAY, baby Weston !!
You’re born on International Woman’s Day ! Such a great present for your mom 🙂
Oh, ssoooooo sweet! My boys are almost 21 and 19, hard to believe! Hugs!
I just can’t wrap my head around you having kiddos in college! Hugs right back to ya sweetheart 🙂
Happy Birthday! Didn’t fly by? We celebreated Ella’s first birthday 2 weeks ago and it was a blast having a first birthday party! It was excausted with 30+ people but it was so much fun. . .we all took 2 hours naps after that.
We’re celebrating next weekend – I’m sure it’s going to be just insane!
Happy birthday, Weston! I hope you have a really fun day with your little guy!
Happy birthday to your little dude!
Happy Birthday sweet boy!
Wow. I can’t believe a year has passed – congrats to you, Nate, and Weston! I don’t know if I ever read your birth story…I’ll have to check that out if you did one.
Thanks Maria! I did actually write out our birth story here:
Happy Birthday, Weston!
Aww, it seems like just yesterday you were announcing his arrival. Happy 1st Birthday, Weston. You are so special and very loved, most of all by Christ. 🙂
Amen friend 🙂
Happy birthday to your sweet little man, Heather! 🙂
So sweet!! Happy Birthday to your little darling!! 🙂
What a sweetie! I was always emotional on my daughters’ first birthdays…so reflective on all the good gifts God gives us.
I saw Ben Affleck on a talk show once and he said that on a baby’s first birthday, the mom should really be celebrated because she’s the one who has worked SO hard that first year! So, I hope YOU feel special today, too <3
I have to say, I agree with Ben on this one 🙂