This little nugget. This little one has been wearing momma out, with never-ending pregnancy sickness, heartburn, insomnia and an indefinite emotional rollercoaster.
But this little one has also been kicking up a storm since we hit the double-digit weeks, which makes momma so happy to feel and know that this little one is doing OK. Every little punch, roll and kick brings such a ridiculous amount of joy, and despite all the discomfort and continuous breakdowns, I still can’t believe how blessed I am.
We’ve asked Wes for the past 10 weeks if he wants a baby brother or baby sister, and 98% of the time he immediately responded with “Bruver.” Although the night before we went in for our 20-week ultrasound he declared sister.
So what is it?
Well friends, I’m so truly excited to announce that we are having another BABY BOY!!! And this little guy seems like he’s going to be rather spirited, which makes my heart excited and maybe a little scared. Regardless, we are so excited and feel completely blessed and I’m happy to finally be able to share!
Name to come later…if we can ever decide on one 🙂
So exciting!!!! Two boys will be a blast 🙂
Congratulations! Such a blessing 🙂
Hooray! Hooray! So fun to have two boys…what good buddies they will be 🙂
Hang in there – praying you get a break from those icky feelings!
I love that you shared it w/ us – thanks so much! Congrats!!
Congratulations!!! I’m sure your other little one will be THRILLED that he gets a baby “bruver” 🙂
Boys are awesome. 😉 That is the cutest little baby profile too. What a blessing indeed!
congratulations Heather! Those babies make life special. 🙂
so happy for you! more boys! <3 <3
Congrats!!! Two boys – that is going to be one heck of a party! You are so blessed.
Congratulations! My daughter is expecting a very active baby boy in about 6 weeks. Wonder what these little guys are going to be like when they are mobile?