Last week I was truly honored to be included in what I can only describe as an all-star lineup at Garden2Grow 2017, hosted by P. Allen Smith at Moss Mountain Farm. Gardening experts and bloggers from all around the country gathered just minutes from my house for a two-day meeting to learn, discuss, and inspire one another and our audiences to improve our world.
As is the case with my insecure introvertedness I was extremely nervous to meet everyone. What could I say that would encourage and inspire these men and women who were a) in a whole different line of blogging than myself and b) have grown their blogs and social media outlets in significantly larger ways? That’s not to say I’m unhappy with my blog; I am so incredibly grateful for you guys and with the closeness we all have here. But in the world of blogging and social media a lot of times numbers can equal success, and sometimes the numbers just don’t match up.
I’m so happy to say that not only was I over-the-top pleasantly surprised by the kindness and closeness that developed over two days, but I was introduced to several different sponsors of the trip who have amazing stories. Every company has a story rooted in humble beginnings, and the extraordinary work ethic coupled with fantastic products is what has pushed these organizations over the edge.
I’m hoping to, over the next few weeks, really dive into our time on the farm and share about these amazing sponsors because for me? Well, I’m a sucker for a good product with a great story, and these companies deliver! In the meantime, check out the links below because you will definitely want to become more well-acquainted with!
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