Good morning guys!!! How was your weekend? Mine was so much fun, but way too short as always. Why can’t we all have a 4-day workweek? 🙂
Yesterday’s breakfast was on the road from Starbucks, but when I got home I decided to make these mini pizzas out of a sandwich thin, a little alfredo sauce, a lot of frozen spinach, and topped with mozzarella and parmesan:
Honestly they were just OK…I didn’t toast the thins first, which would have prevented them from getting soggy like they did. Regardless, the flavor was good, and I took a nap immediately after eating until Nate got home. We decided that we wanted to go hiking, so we drove into Boulder’s Chautauqua Park and hiked up the 3rd Flatiron until we ran into trail closures (something about raptors nesting…?) Anyway, here is Boulder:
I really do love that town…and it cracks me up that I do because it’s so far from what I grew up around in Texas!
I told Nate to be pensive here. Good job baby!
So you might be wondering what the heck a Flatiron is, right? It’s basically a sheer jutting piece of rock, which looks like the flat side of an iron, and in Chautauqua there are three of them. I prefer hiking the first one because you get these really gorgeous panoramic views off the back side, but yesterday’s hike was a bit shorter. Here’s one view of a flatiron:
People rock climb and boulder on them all the time. Here’s a few rope-less climbers on the second one yesterday:
Kind of scary, right? I don’t think I’ll be making any trips up the side of that any time soon…I much prefer the solid ground version of climbing 🙂
After hiking we went to REI in Boulder so I could try on some Vibram 5 Fingers, and they were OUT. Completely. Totally. Out. The sales person said that they haven’t been able to keep a full size run in stock for more than 4 days at a time! Guess that means I’ll have to find them elsewhere or try to order them online 🙁 After that we met up with our friends Murphy and Lauren at Applebee’s. They have a really good happy hour where, if you order a drink, then you get a half-price appetizer too. We all got Cokes (more on that later) and split the Won-Ton Tacos (sorry abut the sub-par photos…these were all with my point and shoot that I took hiking):
All of that, plus drinks, came out to $24 for four people. Really. Not that it’s the healthiest place in the world, but you just can’t beat that for a good time with friends! After dinner we rented Book of Eli and just relaxed on the couch the rest of the night. In my opinion nothing beats a good, restful Sunday evening! 🙂
As I was driving to my friend Rebecca’s house the other day to get my hair done, I was thinking that there are some phrases that I used to say in Texas that I just don’t say anymore, and that makes me kind of sad! One of my favorites (mainly because it would drive my English-professor Daddy insane) was “fixin’ to.” As in,
“Hey, Nate, I’m fixin’ to go blow our life savings at Whole Foods”
“I’m fixin’ to fix chopped beef sandwiches for dinner.”
You get the gist 🙂 Another one that I still use is calling every sort of carbonated beverage (minus beer and champagne) a “Coke.” So, for dinner last night I said we all ordered Cokes, right? Murphy got Dr. Pepper, Lauren got root beer, Nate got Sprite, and I had a Diet Pepsi. But they’re all Cokes. Just go with it 🙂
Do you have any phrases or sayings that you only hear where you grew up? What do you call soft drinks? Have you moved to a new place and learned that the things you say don’t make sense to the people there? I was teased about “fixin’ to” growing up, but for some reason I just don’t say it anymore because no one in Colorado says it. I still say “y’all” “’bout to” and “Cokes” all the time though 🙂
I just found your site! I have to say, I live in the South, too, and “fixin’ to,” “y’all,” and “Coke” for every carbonated beverage are parts of my everyday vocab! Too funny. 🙂
I’ve learned LOTS of new phrases being in the South, including “fixin’ to.” haha. I’ve also learned “might could”, “cookout” vs. “BBQ”, stairs are called “steps”, “stockings” instead of “nylons” or “pantyhose” and so many others. haha. Love it!
I’m English, and I spent my year abroad at the University of South Carolina, and I’m sure you can all guess how many confusing situations that coughed up 😉 I had to ask for so many explainations! Fixin’ to was a big one, and simple things like saying ‘wreck’ instead of a ‘car crash’ (which is what I’d say), sidewalk vs pavement, pants vs trousers (pants are UNDERWEAR where I’m from!). I ended up having to change how I pronounced words like tomato so that I didn’t hold up the queue at the salad bar 🙂
i def call soda for coke and stuff!! we say fixin to too! haha!! oh my goodness those tacos look SO GOOD!! i <3 me some tacos!
Haha we say “fixin to” too. And instead of pressing a button, we say “mashing.” Ok so I kinda hate that word, mashing, but you know…
The hiking sounds like fun! And that food, OMG. I’ve been craving junk food like CRAZY lately so you have me practically drooling haha
Hey Heather!
Just wanted to let you know that I’m hosting a Food Should Taste Good Giveaway at my blog! Winner gets 5 FREE BAGS OF FSTG CHIPS!!
holy crap, i could never climb those things. what are the 5 finger things you speak of? cute pics of you guys.
Heather, those sliders are INSANE!! holy yum buckets! <3
I am not good with heights. I don’t know how people do that kind of stuff without ropes.
Love your simple and yummy breakfast idea.
All of that food looks REALLY tasty to me, YUM! 🙂
We call carbonated drinks, like Coke and Pepsi, soda in NY. My husband is from Ohio and moved here calling it pop. Tsk, I scrubbed that habit out of him, LOL.
I call everything Coke too! (I’m from KY) And holy cow, I can’t believe your bill was only $24! I need to hunt down an Applebee’s in NYC and hit up happy hour! I miss the occasional chain restaurant…there’s just something so comforting about them. And of course, they remind me of home 🙂
Ha! I definitely say “fixin’ to” also…is it a Southern thing?
Beautiful hike!
Additionally, referring to regional diction…my BFF and roomie in college was from Cape Cod, and I picked up the phrase “all set” from her. I never thought it was weird, though some of our friends did, until I went to MA and EVERYONE says it, over and over. In any situation.
Ohhhhh, girl. I’m from Alabama, so nobody understands you more than me. I don’t talk the way most of my family does, but I usually get a lot of hell for saying “peenched” instead “pinched.” As in, “That crab peenched me!” And the Coke thing—so true here in the South. Don’t get me started on when you ask for tea anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon….
I want to go hiking sooooo bad!!! hahaha so jealous! Love you!
I def say ya’ll and fix’n to
I certainly call sodas “cokes”. After all, I do live in Atlanta – the capital of coca cola. I can’t think of other things I say, but I’m sure I have them since I am born and raised in the south. Although one thing I don’t say is “y’all”. How odd is that?
I want those nachos. Now.
They have Vibrams at the Pedestrian Shop either on Pearl St. mall or next to the west entrance to Sunflower Market. Check there to see if they have sizes. Good luck!
I love that you say fixin’! It’s one of my favorite expressions. I am from NJ but went to college in Indiana. In IN, they always say, “do what?” I lived in TN last year and had a friend who would say “Golly!” all the time. I also learned “right quick” in TN, I say that too nowadays. I haven’t started to say “y’all” yet but I do say “you all.” I live in KY now and they say that like crazy. I have heard about the Cokes thing. In IN, they all thought it was funny that I called it soda and not pop.
I always say WICKED, and I get teased for it all the time in Philly. I still say it though!
Wicked awesome!
Ooh fun hike! Raptors? Aren’t those supposed to be extinct? Why do I think that’s a dinosaur?!
Sandwich thin pizzas are a really good idea!
I actually wrote a blog about how we call soft serve ice cream “creemees” in Vermont and a few of my Texan readers brought up the coke for all soda thing!
I used to call all sodas Coke, too! It was because that was about the only soda available where I grew up. 😀
Love Nate’s pensive expression! lol.
I use y’all all the time! I went to college at KU in Lawrence, KS and everyone gave me a hard time. They say “you guys” – every now and then I’ll say certain words with a thick Texas accent and I don’t even realize it until someone points it out. 🙂
I am always “fixin to” do things. I also refered to everything as coke until I spent a few summers in the midwest and then started saying pop. I am back to coke now.
i think your best bet with the Vibram’s is to order them online…..or have your local REI call you as soon as a new shipment comes in! 🙂
Regional saying, a water fountain is a “bubbler.”
If you say water fountain around where i grew up people think of an outside fountain you throw coins in!
Hubby is from Louisiana and he says “fixin’ to” ALL the time.
Also, when he wants something picked up and put away, he’ll ask you to “put it up.”
We were married several years before I realized he didn’t really mean UP. I always wondered why he wanted things put away UP on something. ha!
I guess I’m slow that way 😉
I say soda and my husband says pop. I say “red up”–guess what that means?!?! And I like y’all because it’s so convenient but I’m not from the south at all lol!
ha! you know i love saying me some “y’all” or “y’alls!” i still say “fixin’ to” sometimes and i’m sure other very endearing texan terms ! 😉 i can’t bring myself to say, “your guys’ “……it just sounds so weird!!
I say fixin’ all the time. hehe. But we live in Austin so its a must. I have to say that your smile is so genuine it makes my day! Lots of happiness!
I have two pairs of Vibrams and I recommend waiting until they come in a nearby store before purchasing. Its really best to try them on first….unless you can find them online with a great return policy. The Classics, if not fit properly, give you horrendous blisters.
Before hiking photos by the way! I’m making my first trip ever to Colorado this fall and can’t wait!
Great photos! Makes me want to go for a hike. 🙂
I don’t think I say anything too out of the ordinary, but my older family members definitely do. One example: the word “water” is always pronounced “woo-ter.”
My advice – go to and order a few sizes/models to “Ship to Store”. It’s free and you can return whatever you don’t want. Make sure you check up on the special Vibram sizing – it involves measuring the length of your foot – before ordering. I haven’t seen them anywhere in Boulder otherwise and I look! Good luck!
Wow..those ropeless climbers are nuts! haha!
Yes, since I am from Austin I have the same sayings as you…fixin, everything is a Coke, I say yall and all that…but it makes us oh so cute, right??
Being from Texas, I say fixin’ multiple times a day!
My husband thinks is hysterical!
By the way… I saw the pics of your hair color… I LOVE IT! You look gorgeous!
Okay, those people climbing without a harness are crazy!! I would be so scared-even with a harness on. I guess I’m just not much of a daredevil, haha. That queso blanco looked delicious!! Now I’m craving some good old Mexican food 😀
Hahah it is definitely ‘pop’ here. There are a bunch of ‘Pittsburghese’ sayings that I try to stay away from. The biggest being ‘yinz!’
its the texas in you that makes you call all soda Coke! it’d be weird to call it soda or pop or whatever! 🙂
Boulder/Colorado is beautiful, looks like you had an amazing hike.
Definitely check online too for Virbams, would love to hear what you think. I don’t have them but everybody is buzzing.
I say y’all too much:) In Michigan people could spot me out anytime I said that. It was also weird when I saw “pop” on a grocery store sign. Isn’t it Coke?:)
Hang on to the y’all!!