This week has been one of the most fun of mommyhood thus far!
Our little nugget is developing more and more personality every day, and I love that I’m able to witness him grow literally by the hour! Here’s a little listing of what’s happening with Wes:
- He’s grabbing his feet! Still haven’t made their way to his mouth yet, but he’s noticed them and has started grabbing hold of them.
- He’s holding his head up big time now! Still kind of screams the whole time, but he’s doing it. I’ll take it!
- Speaking of screaming, he’s developing different noises for different things and I’m starting to recognize what each one means. He has multiple screams for multiple emotions – and it’s kind of hilarious.
- He wants to help turn the pages in his books when we read now. The movements still aren’t super fluid, but the fact that he knows what to do with a book page is pretty stinking cool.
- His newest most favorite activity EVER is being “tossed” in the air…meaning we lift him up and do a little toss up (we’re actually holding on to him the whole time) and then letting him “land” on his feet. BIGGEST SMILES EVER. MELTIEST MOMMY HEART EVER.
- He looks more and more like his dad every day. I literally did a double-take tonight when Nate was hanging out with him because they looked just alike. It’s going to make my big mushy heart melt even more when they are actually wearing matchy dad-son outfits.
Yesterday I went through his current outfit selections to weed out the onsies and outfits that are too small for him, and surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) it was a LOT of clothes! The good news is that it’s summer and he really doesn’t need a lot of clothes right now. Plus he still has a ton of outfits to wear. It’s just nuts that he’s gone through so many things so far!
P.S. Baby shorts are just about the most adorable things ever. You know, next to the actual baby.
One thing I have to say is that I’m really proud of how well Nate and I have been eating AND the fact that we’ve both been making a concerted effort to work out really consistently. Nate’s been playing basketball and tennis at work every day, and I’ve been getting my butt handed to me with Insanity.
The Insanity workout that I have I borrowed from my sister, and it’s missing the entire first month (which is basically the “beginner” workouts), so I’ve been working through the advanced ones for two weeks now. Most of the moves I can do without having to modify, but I’ve been doing the modifications or working at 75% when needed until I get stronger. Honestly though, I can tell a MAJOR difference in my strength and endurance already, not to mention my core just feels tighter. And I like that 🙂
One thing I am curious about: Wes and I will be making a trip by ourselves in the next few weeks and will be flying – any tips flying with a baby are DEFINITELY welcome! Other than that we’re just trucking right along and having a great time. I love being a mom and I love seeing Nate as a dad. It’s awesome 🙂
Happy Friday!
Aww….aint he just the cutest!! I forgot how small they are! Can’t wait till my little girl comes next month and I get to experience it all over again 🙂
Flying with baby. They rule the flight, they are in control and no matter how prepared you are, they still find a way to throw you for a loop! Change of clothes for you and him, plenty of wipes and diapers, snacks and fluids for you (sometimes we forget ourselves!). Check the stroller at the gate, you will want it with you as soon as you get off the plane. Ask for help, the airline staff is always happy to board you first, hold a baby, and help you carry things. And since he is soooo cute, everyone will want to help you out!! Have fun!
thanks Robin! those are great tips!
I still, STILL can’t get enough of his mohawk. And now I just want to toss your kid in the air and see those melty heart smiles. maaaawwww.
Oh my stars, that hair. I’m in love.
i know, i can’t get over it. i like to brush it all over the place so it’s extra wild 🙂
Our first flight with our daughter was when she was 9 months old. It was a lot easier than I expected. Just have something for him to suck on during take off and landing if needed to help with ear popping. My daughter nursed or used her pacifer and we did not have issues. She did really great. I think this is another one of those times that the anticipation makes it much harder on the parents than it actually is. I brought a nursing cover “hooter hiders” and just discretely nursed. You get over it when you know you are doing what you have to for your baby. Good luck!!
thanks Linda! I like how you said “you do what you have to do for your baby” – SO true. i think i feel like people would judge me, but what really matters in the long run is taking care of Wes. great reminder 🙂
Insanity… I’m kinda scared to try it! But I need a good butt-kicking fo sho! Good luck traveling Heather!
i was totally afraid and psyched myself up before starting! it’s really hard, but not impossible, and it’s great because you see all of these people who look like they’re in great shape struggle through it too. at least that helps me 🙂
He’s so so cute! If/when you get tips for flying that would make an awesome round up post! We might be flying soon too!
oooooh, good idea! i’ll definitely start compiling a list. also, this is a good link:
That “I drink until I pass out” shirt is too cute. Just like him. 🙂
Insanity is a crazy tough workout! It has killed me the few times I have tried it.
i know, i love that onsie and he wears it LITERALLY all the time! doesn’t hurt that it’s from Maui 🙂