I love evergreens, with the exception of that time that my parents forced me to help pull out 12 cedar bushes from our front yard. Oh, and my sister? She was kind enough to make us lemonade…if making lemonade really means watching Nickelodeon in the perfectly air-conditioned house.
Otherwise, I love evergreens.
There’s nothing better to me than smelling the beautiful pines in the dead heat of the summer. You should probably drive to the mountains just for that 🙂
salah@myhealthiestlifestyle says
I love evergreens too 🙂
lpskins says
hahahah, funny story about the lemonade. sounds like something my sister would do.
Heather @ Side of Sneakers says
Haha I love the smell of evergreens– not so sure about in the middle of summer though 😉 Hope you got some of that lemonade!
Kathleen says
Theres nothing better than the fresh smell of evergreens!
Lindsay says
Evergreens are my favorite! I always associate their smell with the mountains. 🙂
Liz @ Tip Top Shape says
I LOVE the smell of evergreens. It reminds me of Christmas 😀
Katie @ Healthy Heddleston says
Just makes me think of Christmas time not summer time! 😛