A little over 8 years ago I started a blog.
A little over 7 years ago I decided to make it a little more serious by buying a domain name and setting a big goal: to work from home as a blogger.
A little over 5 years ago that goal became a reality, a combination of 2 years of nonstop work and grit + the addition of our firstborn.
A little over 2 years ago we welcomed our second son, and the dream that I had worked on for so long left me wanting.
Wanting for more income. Wanting for more time with my family (can you believe that?). Wanting for chance to branch out beyond food. Wanting for the ability to say more YES to the things that matter. Wanting to say a lot more NO to the things that were devouring my time.
In the Fall of 2016 I started considering network marketing opportunities. Several women that I know and trust were making a good amount of income for less work than I was spending on my blog. They were doing things they really enjoyed, sharing the story of how pursuing the unexpected had changed their lives. I looked into it more, asked questions, prayed, talked to my husband, thought about it, ignored it, and started the cycle again. Needless to say I didn’t miss the opportunity; my hope and prayer is that you won’t either.
Here’s the thing: I have had readers leave, followers unfollow, emails sent complaining about my choice to work with Beautycounter. And that’s fine – another post for another day – because I couldn’t be happier about the fact that I took the opportunity before it passed me by. All those wants that I talked about? I found them – more income (considerably more than I make blogging, by the way), more time with my family. A chance to become more than a food blogger, while still keeping the pieces of food blogging that I love. I can now say YES to the things that really set my soul on fire, and have the freedom to say NO to the things that take up silly amounts of time and effort.
PLUS I am working with a ground-breaking company that is on the forefront of changing an entire industry that desperately needs change. I get to work with strong women of every different background who all have the same mission: making skincare safer for everyone.
I know I’ll likely lose some readers with this post and that’s fine; maybe their opportunity is coming another way another day. But if you have ever wondered what it really looks like or what it really means to work for Beautycounter, I’m an open book and would love to answer any questions you might have. I would hate to hide the opportunity I took from anyone who’s interested in changing their lives and changing the world. If you want to know more, I would love to chat! Just leave a comment on this post and I’ll email you at the address you use in the comment form!
Earnings as a Beautycounter Consultant in the U.S. may vary significantly and depend on many factors, such as dedication to selling/mentoring. Not all Consultants will earn money. To see more about the earnings and costs of Beautycounter Consultants, please view the 2020 Income Disclosure Statement at www.beautycounter.com/ids
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