Have you ever had a month fly by like October is this year?! I feel like it was literally JUST the beginning of summer, and now we’re already halfway(ish) through the fall semester. W keeps asking about Christmas and when we can put the tree up and asking if A will pull it down (he probably will), and I’m all, “SLOW IT ON DOWN MISTER. WE HAVEN’T EVEN HAD HALLOWEEN YET!”
This year we’ve already visited three pumpkin patches and the boys are still obsessed with the pumpkins outside of our local Kroger. As I hear boys tend to do, they pick up the biggest ones they can find even though it’s obvious they can’t lift it. Sometimes this results in a mass of rolling pumpkins, other times I get lucky and it’s just one. You’d think I would learn to not let them check out the pumpkins time and time again, but the way their faces light up is so dang precious. I can’t not let them!
This year I’ve taken to making the silkiest, smoothest crockpot pumpkin butter and apple butter with the abundance of apples and pumpkins out there. It’s heaven slathered on toast or poured over cream cheese and served with gingersnaps. It’s fall at its finest, and perfect for sharing! Not to mention I love how easy it is to introduce the importance and FUN of enjoying locally produced fruits and vegetables. A visit to a pumpkin patch or apple orchard is usually packed with fun – snacks, games, hayrides and (of course) picking pumpkins and apples. We can get a great day of entertainment and learning in for just a few dollars, and mom gets a chance to make pumpkin butter. Win-win, amen?
Check out the recipes on Only in Ark – you’ll be glad you did!
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