If you’re anything like me you had an incredible Christmas and are now looking forward to 2018. Maybe you have goals, maybe you don’t. Maybe you have dreams, maybe you’re scared to have any at all. Whether we are ready or not, 2018 is coming!
As you look forward to next year, will you do me a favor? Ask yourself what you really want to accomplish. What do you want to do? What do you feel like 2018 holds for you? While you’re doing that, let me tell you where I was this time last year.
- I was tired of my current freelance work situation. I felt drained and unsure of what the next steps were. I needed something to boost me out of that funk.
- I was searching for ways to create another stream of revenue so that we could do things that save intentionally for retirement, sign our kids up for sports, travel, and give generously.
- I was looking for a way to be healthier. I knew there was a community of people out there living healthier, cleaner lives and I wanted in.
- I wanted to do more good in the world, to work for something beyond the normal ME ME ME. I wanted to do work that would do more for the world around me.
- I was in need of a community of women in my workspace that would encourage me, challenge me, and otherwise help me to be better.
As you can see I was pretty needy. But I’m going to go ahead and make a bold claim because all those needs have been met in what I’ve found at Beautycounter. I got out of my creative funk and felt empowered to do more. I found a fantastic stream of revenue option that has served my family well without sacrificing a ton of time and startup cost. I found that group of people who knew how to start moving into a cleaner overall life. I work for a company whose sole mission is to improve the lives of others. And yes, I found that community of women – my tribe, my team – who have built me up and challenged me to be better.
To think I almost didn’t join because I was scared of working for a network marketing company!!
Back to the beginning. What are you looking for in 2018? What are your big, scary, could-be-amazing-if-it-happens goals? Do you want to increase income, increase the good you do in the world, find your tribe, live a cleaner and healthier life? Would you like to be part of a movement bigger than yourself? Does it sound pretty amazing to own your own business, run it your way in the time that you have, all while bringing significant social change and improving the quality of life of the people you already know and love? I’d be willing to say that joining Beautycounter may just be an answer to one one or all of those, and I would be honored to work with you to make 2018 the best year yet. Email me at hsdisarro (at) gmail (dot) com – let’s work together!
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