Nate and I were having a conversation last night that made me think about the recipes that I put on here. I love old-fashioned recipes, classics, staples. But I also love putting my own twist on them too. When I say twist, it could be a new flavor, a different texture, a healthy twist, or even another chunk of butter. Hey, playing with food is fun!
This morning I decided that I was craving pancakes after seeing this amazing recipe on Jessica’s blog, and promptly opened up every cupboard, pantry, and refrigerator door in search of inspiration. And find inspiration I did!
After going through some old family recipes for cornmeal pancakes, I decided to up the game a little bit by adding some extra flavor. And I have to say, the results are pretty amazing.
What you end up with is a thick, hearty stack of pancakes that just look like you’ll need stretchy pants to eat them…but you don’t! Well, unless you OD on butter and syrup.
It’s easy to do.
All I know is that they don’t call them classics for no reason…these pancakes are so easy and different that you could even use them as a substitute for cornbread with chili or soup. Or slather them with butter and eat as-is.
I guess all I’m saying here is prepare to be amazed!
- 1 cup cake flour (it’s what I had on hand and I highly recommend using it)
- 1 cup cornmeal
- 2 heaping Tbsp brown sugar
- pinch of salt
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup milk (I used nonfat cow’s milk)
- 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
- 2 Tbsp melted butter
- 1 tsp vanilla
Whisk the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Make a well in the center. In a smaller bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients. Pour into the well in the dry ingredients and stir with a spatula until just combined. Heat a skillet over medium low heat. Grease the pan however you like (I normally like to use butter, but nonstick spray worked great this morning). Spoon about 1/4 cup of the batter for each pancake and spread it around a bit. Cook on each side for 2-3 minutes. Serve hot with butter and syrup!
See? Healthier pancakes with a twist. I guess it’s just what I do!
Happy Wednesday y’all (we’re halfway there!!!)
made these tonight- posting about them tomorrow=amazing!
TOTALLY making these. They look so yummy and would be perfect for one of our breakfast for dinner nights. Your post on your sisters blog was so cute!
I have been wanting to try cornmeal pancakes for ages!
Cornbread is like the ultimate comfort food. Slash that! The ultimate food. Period.
I hope you will be in my kitchen tomorrow morning with a big plate of these!
yum. gimme.
Wow, this is awesome! I’ve never heard of using cornmeal in pancakes before!
You know, I love cornmeal pancakes because they are just so rustic and comforting…. yours look awesome…
those look soooo bomb!!! I[‘ll be trying that!!
Oh, not only is the cornmeal an awesome addition, but the cake flour is genius! That stack up there makes me want some now.
Is that a red silicon Le Creuset whisk I see? I have the same one!
And if not – I have a red whisk too! 😉
yummmmm. I love pancakes of all types and I’m sure I’d love these, too. Pancakes will always remind me of my grandmother. 🙂
These look amazing! Anything with cornmeal I love 🙂
We never have butter in the house (thats a conversation for another day) and I am STILL in the search for a substitute that results in Fluffy tasty pancakes! So, I’ll be trying these, and testing out different substitutes, and then maybe just cracking and buying the butter and enjoying every bite. Because wow, Heather, do those look classic…. 😉
Oooh, I LOVE cornmeal pancakes! They have such great crunch and texture!
i know, i love how crunchy they get on the outside!
Ooh, these sounds lovely!!! You should try polenta pancakes!! Just take a tube of polenta, slice it, dredge in cinnamon and sugar, and panfry quickly. Not as fluffy as yours, probably, but similar flavor!
um, i’m kind of drooling over that…holy yum!
Never thought of using cornmeal this way….gonna have to try.
That’s what I wanted to make the day I had a mouse! Grrr… still haven’t restocked on cornmeal yet. But those look fab!
MOUSE?! scary…
Cornmeal pancakes are delicious! Cake flour? What a great idea. Thanks for your twist on em, they look great 🙂
I had Grape Nuts and fruit for breakfast, wish I had your pancakes instead!
What a fun take of cornmeal – I have polenta and white cornmeal (Aunt Jemima is real midwest cooking lol) in the pantry from Thanksgiving. Was wondering what to with it all – will have to flip a couple of these bad boys. Thanks for the recipe!
I actually LOVE blue cornmeal pancakes! Mmmm…
yum, where do you find blue cormeal?
I used to love getting these at iHop!!
Sadly, they dont have them anymore 🙁
Ohhhh I love the idea of having this with chili!
Love that you twisted up an old classic. Also love that you can help me rationalize that pancakes are “healthy” 🙂 Jessica’s blog is great – we have a snow today here in Boston today and I’m making her hot cocoa cookies. NOM.
oh my gosh those are the best…send me some? 🙂
Not good when you skip breakfast and see this!
oh, yikes…i hate when that happens!
I love cornbread and corn muffins so I know without tasting that I’ll love these. But I should taste to be sure, right? Right.
Thanks for the recipe!
I love Jessica. And her recipes. I want to be her. Agreed?!
yes ma’am!
Cornmeal and butter is like peanut butter and jelly–they just belong together.
You know, one time I actually DID serve cornmeal pancakes with chili instead of cornbread! It was an accident because I couldn’t locate my muffin pan… but it was fun and different 🙂
that’s so awesome! that’s my next experiment 🙂