For starters, you are going to want to go ahead and get this flourless thin mint cookie recipe and make it ASAP. I’m not even a fan of thin mints (I know, go ahead and fire me right now), but when Kate posted the recipe I just couldn’t not make it. I mean, a flourless cookies with so few ingredients? I’m all for that – I like short ingredient lists and, well, cookies. Let’s just say they did NOT disappoint!
But what I wanted to talk about today are just a few of my thoughts on creativity that go swirling through my head from time to time. I’ve said it a few times on here lately, but I am not the boss of you. I create recipes and yes, I think they taste really great when made as directed, but I also know that life and ingredient lists don’t always happen the way we plan and I love the creative flexibility that comes with cooking. Isn’t it amazing how everything tastes different and can be adapted to our needs and every time we step into the kitchen it becomes a whole creative endeavor?
My mother in law (I hope she doesn’t mind that I’m sharing this…) has told me on more than one occasion that she never felt comfortable stepping outside of her comfort zone and adapting recipes based on on-hand ingredients until I started blogging. She read about how I changed things up because really, no one wants to go to the store in the middle of a recipe, and started to experiment in the kitchen herself. She’s always been a great cook, but it’s been fun to see some of the things she’s come up with since then!
It’s interesting the way creativity can translate into every area of life – the ingredients change but the opportunity to make something great is always there. It just requires a bit of ingenuity and risk. Things may not work out to plan; but things may turn out better than you ever dreamed. Even when it results in failure the lessons learned are never lost, and can be built upon and made greater the next time.
These are the stories people love to hear – the risk-taking, creatively engineered, rise of the underdog. And yet no one ever wants to take a chance on being that person. It’s scary to go there, to be unsure, to risk the recipe not turning out because you changed some of the ingredients. But what if – WHAT IF – what if it turns out to be the best thing you’ve ever had?
That’s what I’m working on this as we end this year and launch into 2018. I have a feeling that the road less traveled is the one meant for me and my people, and while it’s scary to change up some of the ingredients I know that at the end of the day? It’ll be the most flavorful life we could ever have imagined!
So cookies. I was immediately intrigued about these cookies and tried to make them yesterday. Everything was working out perfectly until yours truly messed up melting the chocolate (I have no excuse y’all. I don’t even know what happened…). Rather than throw it all away though? I made these delicious little sandwich cookies and enjoyed every bit of them. Delicious!
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