Well dear friends. My initial glucose test went as expected: a big fat ‘F’ and an appointment to do the 3-hour one at a later date.
What wasn’t expected though? The feeling of utter failure. If you’ve ever had gestational diabetes before you know that the diagnosis is not something that can be controlled. You could eat like a perfect angel your entire pregnancy and still have it. And while I don’t have a final diagnosis yet, I have a feeling I know what it’s going to be and it scares the heck out of me. Again.
The first time around was hard, especially the fear of the unknown. The finger pricking 4 times a day and crazy food diaries and the fact that my favorite food group was now missing from my diet. The idea that any wrong step could hurt my baby killed me and I was a nervous wreck the last couple months of my pregnancy.
This time around I know what to expect, but it doesn’t lessen the fear. The fear that a misstep could harm the life inside of me and the fear that this whole condition could stick around after the pregnancy. What if diabetes ends up taking a much larger role in my life? It’s a scary thing.
Needless to say, I made this yummy bread before ever taking said glucose test and I’m so glad I did. It’s been instrumental in getting my little dude to eat his veggies and protein (hint: calling it chocolate cake helps too). You could always top it off with a ganache drizzle, powdered sugar, or a scoop of ice cream.
But my favorite way? Warmed slightly with a healthy smear of butter. As all things should be if you ask me 🙂
To finish off the conversation from earlier though – as bummed as I was to fail the first glucose test it’s truly a blessing to know that there could be an issue. It gives me information to better take care of myself and my baby. And the fear of never being able to eat bread again? Well, Heather, sorry to break it to you: you’re not starving to death. You have more than some people can even begin to fathom exists. And you’re whining about the fact that you have cutting edge medical technology to tell you that you need to eat healthier. So perspective. It’s what God is using to get me straight again. While I know it won’t be easy it’s worth it.
Makes one 9×5 loaf
- 1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder
- 1/3 cup of sugar
- 1/3 cup Stevia baking blend (if you’d prefer you can use granulated sugar instead)
- 3/4 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 very VERY ripe bananas
- 6 Tbsp unsweetened apple sauce
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 cup plain yogurt
- 1 Tbsp vanilla
- 1 Tbsp prepared strong coffee
- Preheat oven to 350.
- In a large bowl whisk together the sugar, Stevia, mashed bananas, apple sauce, eggs, yogurt, vanilla and coffee. It seems like a lot, but it will only take a few minutes to get smooth.
- Sift in the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt.
- Fold together just until the dry ingredients are incorporated.
- Pour into a 9×5 loaf pan that’s been sprayed with nonstick spray or brushed lightly with a neutral oil.
- Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
- Let cool completely before removing from the pan and slicing.
- Enjoy!
First of all, Sorry for the little bump in your road…:) But you are right to keep perspective! You’ve still got a healthy baby in there, and God is still on the throne! :_I will pray for the very best though, and look forward to following you to the delivery day!
Second of all–the bread looks amazing. And yes, my family will love it!
Pinning and sharing now!
You will do a great job of taking care of what you need to do–I know it.:)
Heather you have absolutely the right mindset about doing your best to take care of yourself and your precious baby! You still have a great chance of “passing” the 3 hour test; and if not you will be armed with the knowledge to proceed with the healthiest choices possible these next few months! I had GD with both pregnancies and as a result of the extra attention to diet and exercise I feel like my daughters (and I) were in perfect health with no other complications by the time they were born! It is NOT any kind of failure on your part. As my doctor told me, you can have a healthy lifestyle/weight, no other risk factors, and still end up with GD due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Hang in there (and feel to email me if you would like!) Blessings to your family.
Thank you so much Julie! I’m trying to remember the positives that came the first time around; I recovered much quicker and craved really healthy food even after the fact! I think I just needed to mope for a few days 🙂
I’m sorry you have to take the long glucose test – it’s not fun but at least you know what to expect. Praying for it to go well, regardless!
Is it just me…but there is no recipes or ingredients showing up 🙁