Good morning everyone! First off, let me say that it’s supposed to be in the 50’s all week this week in Colorado (AND SUNNY!) and I really could not be more excited!
Last night on the way to Jason & Steph’s house we spotted this sign in our neighborhood:
We thought that was a really cool way to raise funds, and so we stopped and not only bought a loaf, but had the chance to meet a neighbor! Beverly is such a sweet woman, and I was so thankful we got to meet her 🙂 The bread is whole wheat and has some soy in it (Nate couldn’t remember what was soy about it), and it was SUPER dense!
On the way we stopped at Chili’s and got burgers to go. Now, I know Chili’s is not super healthy, but I figured this could be a little splurge this week. I got the Swiss & mushroom burger with a black bean patty:
Hubba hubba! This guy was just amazing…mouthwatering and wonderful 🙂 Of course I ate the fries, although there weren’t a ton of them (a good thing!):
And then I washed it down with a huge glass of water and this beer:
I’ve gotta say, what I ate in burger & fries I’m pretty sure I burned off in laughter! Steph, Stef, Steph’s mom Arlene, and I had a great time just talking and playing Rummikub. Honestly, I don’t really remember what was so funny (other than watching our husbands banter back and forth and make brewing nicknames), but we laughed so hard that my abs hurt! Turns out we were just going over to brew another batch of beer…a hoppy IPA (?)…and not bottle the first one. However, I did sample the flat version of the first beer, and it tastes great! I can’t wait to actually have the finished product! We left and climbed in bed as soon as we got home!
This morning I got up to do some yoga, and realized today is my first rest day from Whittle Your Middle 2! I’m actually feeling kinda guilty though for not doing it, but then I read Caitlin’s post about exercise guilt. This was incredibly uplifting and made me realize that I’ve actually been doing a good job of staying active for the past week or so! I’m still planning on doing a good workout later today, but it’s just those old disordered eating thoughts that still manage to squeeze their way into my head from time to time. I just feel like if I miss ONE WORKOUT or have ONE BAD MEAL that it’s all over and I might as well give up. But today won’t be that day. I’m going to eat well and exercise hard because I deserve to be happy with my body!
Breakfast was a 3-minute chocolate cookie:
I’ve actually started using mini chocolate chips because you can use less but it feels like the same amount! Just a little chocolate is what I want, and the smalled ones give the perfect dosage!
Just to piggyback off of Caitlin’s post, do you ever feel exercise guilt? Or eating guilt? How do you (if you have) overcome it? What do you feel is standing in your way? As I said before, I’m still in the process of ignoring the disordered eating thoughts in my head and learning to love myself for what I can do. I’m so grateful that I actually can exercise and I actually can eat well, and those are things that I need to remember!
thetwentyfifthyear says
I can get extremely anxious about feeling guilt for not exercising or not sticking to my training but I agree with what Caitlin said – you have to look at other improvements you’re making and realize that missing one thing is not the only thing that matters in the quest for health.
You totally deserve to be happy with your body – kudos!
abbynormally says
mmm I love french fries!! I read Caitlin’s post and lovd it. I ended up wearing myself out and breaking my foot because I exhausted myself in training. Wish I would have known about exercise guilt then!!
Beth (fatbustermack) says
I totally get eating guilt. I don’t know how to overcome it. I’m working on getting past my recent weightloss blahs. I must get my weight loss mojo back. If you know how, let me know!
louisianagrown says
I never really feel exercise or eating guilt. If anything I relish being lazy, heh.
I wonder if the Chili’s here serves black bean burgers. I always feel like we don’t get all of the healthier options that other states get. I’ll have to look into this…
Anna says
I don’t really feel workout guilt anymore, mainly because I workout 95% of the time because I want to, not because I feel like I have to or I should. I genuinely like the way it makes me feel, so I look forward to it!
Food guilt, on the other hand…lol, different story!
Katie @ Health for the Whole Self says
I actually recently posted about this on my blog – I wrote out 5 key points I tell myself whenever I feel guilty about skipping a workout. Feel free to check it out! 🙂
Heather says
this is a great resource! Thanks so much Katie!
Tracey says
I can’t wait until Chicago starts having nice weather. I seriously can’t remember the last time I went outside without a coat on. UGH!!!
I really like hearing stories like the lady selling bread to benefit Haiti. We always hear all about the bad things people are doing but rarely do we get a glimpse of the good everyday people are doing. So thank you for sharing!
rollerkoesterrun says
Love me a mushroom-swiss burger! I’ve never tried Chili’s black bean patty, but just might have to now that you rave about it! Thanks!
frogsandmen says
coucou, what a great idea to sell bread for haiti! glad you bought some!
it’s a pleasure to be back reading your blog.
a bientot
the paris food blague
Chelsea says
That burger looks GOOD!
I’m the guilt machine. I’m seeing a therapist-HA!
Jess says
I totally relate to the all or nothing thing! One bad meal or missing workout and watch out….
I am working on it though : ) Great post!
I think I may steal that – “I deserve to be happy with my body.” That will be my matra the next time the guilt starts to creep in!
Kelly says
Love me some chilis!! Good for you for enjoying yourself!
Guilt is a tricky little emotion…I am not a fan! haha! I try really hard to focus on the postivites in my life whenever I start feeling guilty or like a pity party is coming on. Sometimes I can snap out of it and sometimes I can’t…but the important part is that I try, right?
Becky says
I like to remind my self that God’s mercies are new every morning and each day is a new day. This is how I try and overcome exercise or food guilt.
btw…I hate Chili’s but that burger looks pretty good. It is good to know there are decent options if that is where we end up for dinner with friends sometime.
lpskins says
Yes, yes, yes! Great sentiment Heather. I need to remember and embrace those words too.
All that beer talk made me want one.
Jessica @ How Sweet says
Oooh that burger and fries looks amazing! Yum! I luckily have never suffered from exercise guilt. I think it comes from working in a gym – any day not working out was a total relief!
Christie @ Honoring Health says
That burger looks fantastic!
I try not to feel guilty about not exercising but sometimes those kinds of thoughts still sneak in. I agree 100% with what Estela said, though.
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
I use to have exercise guilt… but not anymore. I realized that on the days I don’t workout I’m less hungry, so I’m maintained myself by eating when I’m hungry. As long as I’m in tune with my body, I’m happy 🙂
Shayna @ Cuts and Curves says
YES! All the time. To get over the guilt, I try to balance out what I did (eating poorly) or didn’t do (exercise). So let’s say I didn’t workout that day (if it wasn’t a rest day), I’ll just watch what I eat for the day. And vise versa, if I eat something I shouldn’t have, I’ll workout harder that day. This system keeps my conscious clear. For me, it’s all about balance.
Love your blog by the way 🙂
Gelareh @ Nutritious Foodie says
The bread bake sale is an awesome idea.. I love bake sales.. but they are time consuming and if you have negative people around then it is not a success.
I used to feel guilty about not working out… but i have learned to respect my body. I didn’t go to the gym all of last week. It was TOM and my body was exhausted. So now I listen to my body.. if it gives me a no signal then I just stay in bed 😉
Salah says
For me, if I start to feel exercise guilt, which is usually what I feel if I take an easy day or a complete day off I start to remember how lucky I am to have a choice about whether or not I can rest a day or go hard a day. Many people such as the soldiers in Iraq don’t get time off, they have to keep truckin’ so when i do take my days off I remind myself how blessed I am to have a choice and really appreciate the time to rest. 🙂