Good morning! I’m so glad it’s Saturday…really, really glad!
I tried chia oats this morning!
In the mix: 1/3 cup each of oats/water/milk, 1 Tbsp chia seeds, 1 packet Truvia, 1/3 cup pumpkin (stirred in at the end), 1 tsp vanilla, 1 Tbsp peanut butter, and 1 Tbsp strawberry jam (which kinda melted while I was taking the pictures…). This was fantastic! I don’t know if you’re supposed to be able to TASTE the chia seeds, but the texture was great. I like peanut butter in my oats too…makes them super creamy and rich!
Ken & Leeann dropped Jasper (Jaspy) off today, and he and Keira have been playing non-stop since he’s been here! They’ve already gone through 3 bowls of water! Bunker doesn’t know what to make of it, so he’s sticking close to me (protection I suppose) and playing with his duck. I managed to get them to hold still by pretending I had a treat:
Cute couple, no? They’re only a month apart and both weigh about the same, and they will play for hours on end (really, they will) without resting. I bet I have some sleepy pups on my hands a little later! And here’s a shot of my baby boy:
We adopted Bunker when he was 8 weeks old, and he’s been a mama’s boy ever since! I can’t hide it though: I love that he loves me so much 🙂 I mean, you’d think I’d been gone for years with how excited he gets when I wake up in the morning! And when we get home from being gone for a few hours? Forget it…it takes at least 20 minutes to calm him down. Again, I love this and it makes me happy to know that I’ve been a good mom to him 🙂
Tonight is the Colorado Blogger Meet-Up at Ashley’s! I’m so excited to meet everyone and taste all of their delicious goodies 🙂 Til then I’ll be painting our guest bathroom, so hopefully I’ll have some before + after photos (probably not as cool as Angela’s) a little later today!
Are you a dog person or a cat person? Why? I had a bad cat experience when I was younger (read: old cat, young and curious Heather…you do the math), so I’ve always been more of a dog person. I just love the amount of LOVE that is shown from dogs! They just wear their hearts on their sleeves; they trust and love unconditionally. I think the world could use more people that do that!
Salah says
lol we both had a bad cat experience growing up with Daphne hahaha….so i’m definitely a dog person and especially being allergic to cats now there is NO way I’ll ever own one. I hope your blogger meet up was great ! I can’t wait to hear about it!
thedallasceliac says
I’m a cat person because I’m allergic to dogs. I love having lap cats. 🙂
Cats can be difficult around children, especially older cats. Sorry you had a bad experience.
Diana says
I adore chia oatmeal. Have you tried chia seeds in smoothies yet? When the weather warms up, try this chia fizz drink – it’s awesome and so refreshing! 🙂
Oh and I’m a dog person. I think it’s because I like training them and teaching them tricks.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
christie @ honoring health says
I am a cat person for sure! We have three though I would like to have a dog as well.
Ashley says LOVED meeting you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sophia says
Aw, too bad about your bad cat experience….I’m more of a cat person. I had a bad dog experience. I’ve been chased by a dog, and bitten by a dog…and I got mad because the owners never really did anything about it, just gently scold the dogs like they are cute, petulant kids…It kind of made me bitter. Heh heh.
actorsdiet says
i’m allergic to cats, but thankfully not doggies!!! i love my little jack russell waaaay too much. says
Have fun at your meetup! I am most definitely a dog person. I have 2 cats, but I am not too fond of them anymore after a few years of serious litter box issues – i.e, they poop and pee where they please despite a ridiculous amount of money at the vet and things I have tried to stop this. Ugh. After these 2 die, I will never have cats again. They have ruined me.
Janna (Just Flourishing) says
Have so much fun at the meet-up! I love blogger meet-ups. 😀
Its hard for me to say whether I’m a dog or cat person. I know some people are pretty seriously on one side or the other. I used to totally be a dog person…until I fostered a pregnant cat a few years ago and it gave birth to 3 kittens. They were literally the cutest things I had ever seen. I still love dogs, but now I love cats too!
Kelly says
I am a dog person all the way! I had a bad cat experience in high school. We found a stray and took her in and she had ring worm so I got like 8 ring worm all over my body! ICK! Now I know really that ringworm and cats are not synonomous but to this day I can’t pet a cat without feeling itchy!
caitlin says
dog, obviously!
i love the puppy pictures 🙂
Teri [a foodie stays fit] says
I’m so jealous! I wish I could go to the blogger meet-up. Tell Ashley I say hi! And give Dakota a big kiss for me too. 🙂
I’m totally a dog person…in case you hadn’t noticed by the fact that my dog gets her own page on my blog. 🙂
Jess says
I think that I am more of a dog person. Both my husband and son are alergic to cats : (
We also have our puppy, she is a black lab / german shepperd mix – she turns 12 this year. She is the best, sweetest most loving and loyal thing ever! I would not trade her for the world!!!
Have fun at the meet up today : )
Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce says
i’ve never tried chia seeds, but your bowl looks great! i’ve had bad experiences with both cats and dogs as a kiddo, but neither have stopped me from loving my cat and dog SO much! can’t beat pet therapy 😉 have fun at the blogger meetup!
thewaterfaucet says
DOG definitely.
Heather says
I’m the opposite- I had a bad experience with a dog when I was little so I’m a cat person. A huge lab jumped up on my and knocked my down on to my butt and I was officially scarred for life haha. And I’m horribly allergic. 😉
Estela @ Weekly Bite says
Have a great time at the blogger meet up 🙂