I never thought that my 27th year on this earth would be one of the hardest, most difficult ones ever, but I also never dreamed that I would feel so incredibly loved and happy either.
This year (literally starting with September 28, 2010 – my birthday) my Papa passed away, I dealt with trials of self-doubt that I’d never experienced before, we lost our first baby to miscarriage, and my Grandpa passed away. That was all within the first 7 months, and since then I’ve been dealing with the aftermath of it all. But that being said I’ve had more chances to see my family, friends, and loved ones and have been encouraged in ways that I never thought possible. I’ve learned that I can overcome the trials of self-doubt, loss, and seemingly unending sadness. And I’ve learned that who I am as a redeemed woman in Christ matters more than any other label, size, stereotype, or position I can ever imagine. I’ve lost hope and gained it back in increments more substantial than ever before, and I am so looking forward to my 28th year!
As always my family has been my rock, loving me and speaking truth into my life at all times. I love you guys more than I could ever express! Thank you all so much for being such great friends to me. Those of you who I see and talk to daily and weekly and to those of you that I’ve never actually met have all touched my life in so many ways over the past 12 months, and without your encouragement it would have been substantially more difficult. You have all forced me, ready or not, to become a stronger and much better woman, and for that there aren’t enough “thank you’s” in the world!
On that note, i want to share the best thing to come out of this 27th year – something that will change our world forever and one that I hope to talk about for a very long time:
Heather (and Nate and BabyD) (and Bunker and Keira – always :))
This is where I missed it!!! Congrats! I am soooooo happy for you and since we are due the same months lets share advice!!!!
Congratulations!!!!!! That wonderful news! Praying for much peace and good health for you and your baby!
Oh yay! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just love you and am grinning ear to ear.
Congratulations, Heather!! This put the biggest smile on my face. 🙂
Oh my gosh!! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!!!
happy happy birthday and congratulations!!!! 🙂 i’m so, so happy for you guys 🙂
Congrats heather!!!! Awesome news! Greetings from switzerland!
Congratulations and Happy BD. Sooo happy for you and Nate!!!
Hi Heather, I have read the blog for a long time but never commented before. I am so happy for you guys and wanted to thank you. My husband and I recently lost of first child too through a miscarriage. I just wanted to let you know how much hope you have given me. Congrats and happy and healthy 9 months!!
Happy birthday and congratulations on the newest addition to the family.
May the wonder of a new baby bring much happiness and health to your home 🙂
What wonderful news!!! Congratulations! I can’t even imagine how excited you must be! 😀
Woooooopppeeeeeee! So happy for you. I will be prayin’ girl!
Oh Heather, congratulations! I’m praying for you and this sweet baby D. Many many prayers!
AHH!! CONGRATS!! I have chills all over my body I’m so excited for yall. What an amazing blessing! 🙂
Yay!!!!!! I got goosebumps! Congrats Heather!! 🙂 Can’t wait to “meet” you baby!!
Who says there is no such thing as a birthday miracle? You will be a wonderful mother.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I’m so happy for you!
Happy Birthday to you…and Congratulations to you and Nate!! Best wishes for a wonderful and a blessed year.
Best birthday present EVER!!!! Congratulations girl!
Congratulations!!! You may remember me; we grew up next door to each other (I’m a few years older). I found your blog (can’t remember how though…) and have been reading it for a while. It took a couple of weeks before I realized who you were! Anyway, I am so happy for you and I know you will be a great mom! Thanks for sharing your life and thoughts with us. Oh, and the eggplant recipe you posted yesterday sounds wonderful!! Happy Birthday!!
WOW — congrats to you AND Happy Birthday!! I’m excited you shared your great news with us!! WOO HOO! 🙂
happy birthday!! I’ve been waiting for to to say you were pregnant again-congratulations!! I hope you have a wonderful day. 🙂
Happy Birthday!!! And CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so very happy for you & Nate 🙂
so happy for you!
I just got the chills and now I’m crying. I know how hard this past year has been for you. I lost my grandmother just months before I found out I was pregnant with Gigi. I know there is so much joy in store for this next year of your life and I am praying for you with all my heart!!!
Congratulations! How exciting!! Happy Happy Birthday, and best wishes for the best year yet!
First time commenting since I started reading your blog about a month ago but just wanted to say Happy Birthday and congratulations!!
I am going to echo everyone else’s comments, WAHOO!!! What a fabulous birthday present…the best ever 🙂 🙂 🙂 Congratulations!!! I have been following your blog for a while and LOVE it!! I wish you all the very best!!
What wonderful news for you guys!!! Congrats!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! sooo exciting, and it just goes to prove that while we often go through trying, really tough things, it makes the reward all the sweeter 🙂
Happy birthday and congrats!!!! 🙂
congratulations! so happy for you.
This year has certainly brought a lot to you. But you were strong and had the faith to get through on top. Love you and can’t wait for our chat tomorrow night.
Happy Birthday!!!! And I’m glad I don’t have to keep a secret anymore. 😉 Congrats again!
Hope you’re enjoying a very happy birthday. I, too, will soon be closing my 27th year, and it’s been the best yet!
Big hugs to you and your growing family. xox
So exciting! Congratulations 🙂
Yay, congrats! That is wonderful!
Happy birthday, and congratulations!!!
I just got teary eyed! congrats! and wishing you a happy birthday and year to come!
Happy birthday and super congrats!!
I just got chills and am smiling really big. Congratulations, and happy birthday!
What to say first, Happy Birthday or Congratulations??!! BOTH!! Prayers for a healthy and safe pregnancy and a healthy, beautiful bundle of joy at the end!!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys! What a year, funny how life is sometimes. I hope you have the best birthday ever!!!
Congrats!!!! Could not be happier for you.
yah baby!! i cant wait to hear more about all things baby!
Thanks for sharing your news with us.
So thrilled for you and Nate! Just got goosebumps. It is everything you imagine it to be, only better!
i’ve been waiting for this post for a long time!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!!!!!! love y’all!
Yayyyyy Heather!!! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!! What wonderful news 🙂
Can’t wait to hear your due date — maybe our babies will be close 🙂
Happy Birthday, congratulations, and here’s a big fat hug for you! Saying a little prayer that your 28th year will best one yet!
Happy Birthday and Congratulations, Heather!!!!! So very excited for you and Nate! Thanks for being an inspiration through your words and actions. 🙂 God bless your precious family! 🙂
Happy birthday and congratulations!!! I don’t always comment but I’ve been following your story and am so happy for you.
Congratulations to you and Nate!!! Happy Birthday too!!
I kinda want to do a happy dance in my office cubicle right now for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I think this next year is going to be an amazing one for you!
Happy Birthday and Congratulations! That is such exciting news! I’m sure this will be a great year for you :).
You’ve been through so much… This is wonderful news, I’m so excited for you guys. Happiest of birthday wishes!
Heather, I have been reading your blog for about six months. I got chills all over because I have read your posts about your tough year. I am so excited for you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Eeeee, so happy for you!
Happy birthday friend! So happy for you both! Wish I could hug your neck and celebrate proper like with you on this amazing news!! We love you both dearly. Have fun celebrating, you deserve it! Lots of love, the Fleming family
so exciting!!! congratulations! i just got a ton of goosebumps 🙂
Congratulations! and happy birthday!
Congratulations!! What a fun announcement on your birthday!
Aawww, congratulations!! That is definitely a wonderful way to cap off a trying year!
Congratulations Heather! 28 sounds like it will be a great year ahead. Very happy for you 🙂
YAYYYYY!!!!!!!! Best birthday EVER!!!!! Ahh, I can’t believe we’re both having babies 😀
Wow, congratulations!!! And a VERY happy birthday to you. Such great news 🙂
CONGRATS! OH wow! So exciting! I do hope you’ll keep us filled in on all the news! What a life changer!! Congrats again!!!
Heather, I’m so excited for y’all!! After experiencing the pain of a miscarriage, I’m sure there is nothing more joyous than the next time you see those two lines on the test. God is amazing in that He never ceases to surprise us – just when we have gone through trials, He brings us joy in the morning! Congratulations again and a Happy Birthday, as well! Hugs from Florida.
Happy Birthday and a big CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you!
i got goosebumps and tears in my eyes. so incredibly happy for you heather! god bless you and your husband and your little one! 🙂
Happy bday and CONGRATS!
I’m so happy for you two Heather!!! Congrats! You deserve it, thanks for being a great encouragement!
OMG SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mazel tov!!!! Much love 🙂
Congratulations and happy happy birthday! This is going to be a much better year for you! So excited for you!
This post made me tear up this morning. You could NOT deserve this more! So happy for you both!
Oh my golly, I am covered in goosebumps. Happy birthday sweet girl (sweet momma!!!). What an amazing example that there is a bigger plan for all of us, even wen we can’t understand why we have been given what we have- both good and bad. I second the first two comments- you truly are an inspiration and I feel blessed to (virtually) know you. !!!!!
<3 happy birthday love! Wish I could celebrate with you. So happy for you guys.
Happy Birthday!!! I was hoping this was your news!! 🙂 Congrats to you two! Xo
Aaaahhhh, this makes me so happy! Congrats Heather! You deserve every ounce of happiness. Happy birthday 🙂
congratulations!! Happy birthday as well! so exciting!!!
Oh Heather, I’m so thrilled for you!! Congratulations and happy birthday and cheers (with sparkling cider!) to an amazing year ahead 🙂
what a year! God uses those trials for a reason and it seems like he used you to be a light to others. YOu are one amazing woman Heather. Your family and all! Happy Birthday and congrats to you!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND CONGRATULATIONS!! I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now but this is my first time commenting. Your strength and positivity is truly inspiring – wishing you and your family all the best! 🙂