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If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you might have read that I spent some time the past couple of days rocking my bathroom’s world…and no, Nate, I don’t mean I was pooping 🙂 When we bought our house we were (and still are) so thankful that the previous owners were EXTREMELY clean and organized. They even steam-cleaned the carpet, filled in all of the holes in the wall, and repainted! The thing is, we moved in and never painted or did anything to make the house look like “ours,” so we’ve been living in a very neutral-colored house for a little over a year. Here’s the before pic of the bathroom (please excuse my slicked-back looking hair…we skied half a day and house-shopped the second half):
See? It’s pretty…and it’s cozy, but very bare. I’ve been itching for a while to really make some changes, but I’m starting with the smaller rooms first! I went to Home Depot and picked out the “fudge truffle” color for the walls. I think that’s pretty self- explanatory 🙂
Since I have no form of patience whatsoever when it comes to home improvement projects, I hopped right in on Wednesday night and taped everything off. I figured I bought the paint + primer in one, which advertises only needing one coat for perfect coverage.
Well, I’m sorry to say that Behr is 100% WRONG in saying that. Two coats and WAY too many hours later I determined that I needed more paint than what I had to really get the full coverage they were promising. And I understand that darker colors typically require two coats, but I didn’t feel that the color I used was so dark that I would have to go back the next day and get more. Apparently my painting skills diminish with sleep too, because I didn’t wait to pull the tape off and therefore got wet paint from the tape all over the ceiling. Oops.
So that was Wednesday night. Last night I picked up some stuff at Home Goods, came home with some extra paint, and fixed most of the ceiling issues. I got a new soap dish and toothbrush holder:
A new shower curtain (I might have accidentally turned our white one pink…), and a bag of seashells that were on clearance. I had a bunch of leftover glass containers left from our wedding that I knew I could use the shells in:
Without further ado, here is our new bathroom!
I know I know, it doesn’t look like much in this picture, but there’s so much more personality to it now. I really like the vivid green shower curtain, and the little basket on the counter now keeps all of the counter items together instead of strewn around. Nate and I have always said we love the ocean, and I really REALLY enjoy the coastal look in houses, so I wanted to reflect some of that in here. The color is darker, but I haven’t noticed a difference in the space feeling smaller at all. In fact, I would say that with everything more organized it looks BIGGER!
As for food, yesterday was quite boring and I only ended up taking pictures of breakfast. I had a spinach-feta wrap from Starbucks:
And a sugar-free vanilla iced coffee with a splash of half-and-half:
Then, during some fun times at work, I snapped a couple of pictures of my fur-babies! I love when Bunker has one ear flipped back…and I love it even more when it happens by accident. Makes me wonder what he was doing to get it like that 🙂
And Keira…yes, Bunker drooled on top of her head, yes she has an eye boogie, and yes she’s the most adorable little girl ever 🙂
Well guys, thanks for listening to my exhausted ramblings about the bathroom! Next up is the office, which is going to require some help from Nate and a much steadier hand with a paintbrush! Should be fun 🙂
Any tips on redecorating or painting? How do you bring your personality to a room? How do you determine the colors you want to use and how you want to use them? AND how do you get a straight line without getting paint all over the ceiling?!?! I could use any help I can get on that one!
Oh I love it! And I also love painting – it instantly changes to whole feel of a room.
So, does ‘fudge truffle’ make you wanna lick the walls?
Love the colors! What a great difference.
And adorable dogs 🙂
I love the little touches you made!! If I had my own place, I would decorate it top to bottom with Ikea stuff because I just LOVE their design. You’re lucky to have clean previous owners…mine was horrible, and we are still dealing with the consequences 4 years after (ahem, cockroach infestion).
WOW! I love what you did to your bathroom. I wish I could decorate better. I am horrible at it.
I love your new bathroom look!!! It looks so great! Ps. I got the spinach and feta wrap yesterday too! haha
No idea on how to avoid getting paint all over the ceiling, but as we’re moving in a month and will be doing some painting, I’d love to know if you figure it out!
Oooh, I love bathroom makeover!!!
Love the bathroom! I’m a huge fan of the warm browns and green.
Tip for straight line: My husband brings you this tip…..and it’s totally insane….cause I HATE painting. He does not use tape, but instead gets a tall ladder and hand paints the line with a artists brush. Likeone of those tinie tiny ones. I know….crazy!
Anyways, love the new look!
For painting along ceilings or baseboards we use angled brush and go slooowwwlllyyy. It takes time, but we make up for it by not having to tape the walls doing it this way. We have a wet rag on hand too to wipe up mistakes as we go.
Love the color scheme and the accents. I like personal details like that to really spruce up a space.
Your bathroom looks great! When I paint I cut in with an angle brush in the seam and go really slow and it seems to work really well. I never use tape because I find the paint bleeds through every time.
I love the bathroom! Lovely colors. I don’t have much advice about not getting paint on the ceiling, but I do know that if you wait until the paint dries to pull the tape off, you run the risk of pulling off dried paint from the wall. (Learned that one the hard way.)
love it! it looks warmer and more cozy–and I love the green!
it looks so good! i’ve always found that painting is the best “quick” way to redecorate. it’s a pain to paint and repaint apartments, but i keep doing it because having lavendar walls sure beats stark white ones!!
Look at you! Don’t be afraid to add that punch and color. You spend enough time in the bathroom, enjoy it.
I painted one of the rooms in my old house a white with an orange accent wall. “The Home Depot” time-out room was its affectionate nickname.
I have a small bathroom so totes and things are great ways to keep all your crap organized. Pun intended, lol.
Your babies are so pretty, eye boogies and all.
Oooo so pretty! I love it!
Great bathroom! I’ve found that tape is the key to straight lines and not getting paint all over. It is a huge pain to put up, though…
Very cute bathroom! I look the color and the beachy look 🙂
I like the shell accessories! Home Goods is the best
Very nice! It’s amazing what a little paint can do to fix up a room.
I think your bathroom looks great! I love all the little decorations you picked to go with the wall color. I suck at painting, even when I tape I still manage to have spots on the areas I was trying to keep blank. I usually pick my paint colors based on other photos, from a blog, a magazine whatever. Sometimes I’ll see something I like in a hotel or restaurant and use that as inspiration. Pretty standard but it works for me.
I love the color with the green pop! I just painted 3 rooms for my aunt with Behr paint… and had similar issues with a dark (but not really dark) green paint. My step-dad paints a lot and told me that the brand was not very good and that’s probably why. Due to similar paint-tape bleeding issues I decided to free hand after the first room… trust yourself! You can totally do it! Just have a damp rag nearby 🙂 . Are you doing more?
We bought the same Behr paint because Consumer Reports ranked it the best… but still had to paint two coats of green – over a WHITE wall. A bummer for sure.
Ooh, I love it! Redecorating is so much fun!
Great Job on the Bathroom, I love your color choice and that shower curtain! I am actually doing the exact same thing with our bathroom!! We have a “mountain theme” all throughout our house, so I carried that into the bathroom and chose a Green color for the walls! I fully anticipated painting the ceiling in addition to the walls before I began.. so I was quite sloppy up top. The challenge for me will be painting the ceiling and NOT ruining the walls, which I will attempt this weekend.. 🙂
I painted my whole house when I moved in. It is such a great makeover and really cheap when you think about it. The best is when you aren’t afraid of color, and you shouldn’t be, because you can just repaint!
Very pretty wall color and I love the green shower curtain! Cute pics of the pups!
I have a beachy bathroom too! I love the toothbrush holder design… so pretty! I think it looks awesome! Now come paint mine please.
Yeah Heather! I HAVE been following you on twitter and couldn’t wait to see your bathroom! That sounds weird…
Let me say that I had the worst time doing my bathroom. The people who owned the house before us redid the tile. The floor had warm tones, the tub surround had cool tones.
Ugh, my logical decorator sense was all befuddled. Two colors (and gallons) of paint later, I gave up. My husband got frustrated with me (and our seafoam bathroom, doh!) and picked a color himself. It’s perfect!
As far as the ceiling goes, that depends on the texture of your walls. You’ve got texture there, so tape won’t work. I’d suggest you pick a day where you’ve got lots of patience, get a good, small-ish brush and do it by hand. It sucks. Or you could install some crown molding. (Paint it before you tack it up.)
I have the same situation as you do. At least I did when I started painting it was terrible. To get that straight line on the top of your wall you need to get yourself a quality 2 inch brush and load it with paint and go as smoothly and carefully as you can along the top. I have painted almost every room in my house and have paid painters too. Mine always looks like I did it but I’m getting better. I’ve done several home improvement projects on my 1946 house and I get tips online. Makes life so much easier. Hope this helps.,,20159698_20366142,00.html
Love the new bathroom paint. I have the same color in mine.
I LOOOOOVE to redecorate, but not to paint. My husband can’t paint either, we just hire someone. I bring personality into my rooms based on what we like to be feeling when in that room. For example: my family room has milk chocolate with a dark chocolate accent wall…it’s chill, just how we want to feel while wathcing tv and movies. I have really cool metal art hanging on the walls such as a movie reel and some framed pictures that are from our favorite movies or our favorite singers/actors/acctresses. Every room in my house has it’s own unique stamp of my personality. So I say go for it put your own stamp on every room to reflect how you want to feel in that room 🙂
Good for you on personalizing your home! 🙂 My main tip is just to go for it, do what you like, and remember if it gets messed up you can always start over.
Cute pups!
I really like the brown!!! I know someone who bought the “one coat” paint and it turned into 3 coats and more paint as well.
I wish I had decorating tips, I need them!!!
Love your babies, they are beautiful! They get to be at work with you?
I have the same brownish in my bathroom…
I like the green you chose.
Ooooh. Love the new paint color and shower curtain. I live in an apartment, so I can’t choose wall colors, but I like to keep things clean looking and use neutrals…then add something funky like a weird pillow to accent. Painting is a skill that I plan to leave to professionals 🙂
I love your pup pics keep ’em coming! I have a yellow lab and will eventually get a choco 🙂
Love the new look in your bathroom! I wish I had some tips about getting a straight line while painting, but I STINK at painting!!