I was a bad blogger today 🙁
My smoothie from this morning held me over until about 2:00pm (!!!), but my lunch break wasn’t until 3, and we didn’t have any food at the office. So for 60 minutes (that’s a long time in the life of a foodie, my friends!) I was left to my own devices and dreamt of 100-layer lasagnas, mountainous ice cream sundaes, and platters of bread with every manner of sweet and savory topping known to man. Thus you can understand why, in the midst of my starvation-driven panic, I forgot to take my camera into Panera bread and snap photos of my Greek Salad and Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich.
I’m sorry.
Will you forgive me?
What’s that? You do? AND we’re friends again? Good!!! (whew!)
As soon as I recognized my folly I vowed to make it up to y’all by showing off what I did on my lunch break besides stuff my face with warm bread! There was some ooh-ing and aah-ing over this gal:
And some re-reading of crazy-awesome-out-there principles from this guy:
Oh, and there was some practical goings-on like buying pain reliever. Come on guys, I’m not THAT exciting 🙂
Tonight we have our community group, which should be awesome (as usual) and then lots of conversation about the photography business and where we feel the next step is. It’s a lot of fun planning this all out with Nate, but kind of overwhelming at the same time!
I swear my brain is fried from dreaming up delicious recipes all day, and here’s my proof from Twitter:
And so, although this question isn’t lame, it is coming out of left field: Why do you blog? What prompted you to start blogging? And what do you hope to gain or get out of blogging? I started blogging last summer at The Joyful Kitchen after seeing a preview for Julie and Julia as a way to record recipes, reviews, and random thoughts. November 2009 I read the article that featured Jenna and Angela in Self magazine, and started reading them frequently. December 2009 I changed The Joyful Kitchen to something I wrote every day, and from there launched Heather’s Dish. I initially started doing it as a way to record my food intake; however, it’s turned into a way for me to practice and to showcase my writing and photography, and turned into a way to meet some truly amazing women. I don’t always know what I want to come out of it though…I talk about writing a book, but I don’t really know what my “voice is or what the book would actually be about; I talk about doing photography, but I don’t plan on photographing food all day everyday and that’s it. I think more than anything it’s pushed me to rediscover the things I love to do and build on those in a way that will one day help mold me into the woman that I was made to be…and for that I could not be more thankful. You guys have all been a huge blessing to me, and I’m so glad you’re here 🙂
Jacqui says
I started blogging to hold myself more accountable for what I eat and to connect with other people who feel the same, anything above that in my mind is a bonus!
Love that you are a Target Up and Up shopper too!
nutritious foodie says
I started blogging after I was able to cure myself from a lifetime of IBS-C…. specially since they were about to remove my colon and I was to reverse the whole problem with eating right… how crazy would it have been if I had listened to the drs and removed my colon… SCARY!
Bethany says
I started blogging because I fell in love with so many beautiful, creative, and funny blogs out there! I love writing and I love cooking, so it seemed perfect.
Come to think of it, I actually really committed myself to blogging after reading a biography of Louisa May Alcott (author of Little Women, etc.), and learning that she kept a journal her whole life which recorded her personal and professional goals and how she felt like she was doing in achieving those. I thought that was a great way to keep yourself accountable and to make sure you were being intentional about your life. Writing definitely helps me reflect on those topics… and that’s another reason I blog!
Heather says
Hey Heather 🙂
I started blogging to keep in touch with far away family and friends.
I also enjoyed being able to manifest my thoughts and ideas…..I’m a thinker, a list maker, a ponderer. And if I don’t get all that out somehow, I think I’d go nuts.
I have several journals stacked up in my closet for my 6 year old daughter, of every day of her life so far-well, i think i actually started when she was about 10 months old.
Anyway, every day of her life (from 10 months)is recorded-some days the entries are silly and simple, like “you pooped in the tub.” Some days are more serious like “the doctor said you have to have surgery on your ingrown toenail.”
Anyway, I think since I’m a writer at heart, it keeps me sane 🙂
Christie {Honoring Health} says
I started blogging as a way to record my journey to intuitive eating and it has exploded into something I never imagined. Through blogging, I have healed my discorded relationship with food, made incredible friends and have started turning my blog into a launching pad for my new career as a holistic health counselor.
It is amazing to me the twists and turns that life takes us in and this has been awesome for me. I feel like blogging really allowed me to learn to use my voice and then taught me how I want to use it. I could have never imagined this in my wildest dreams.
A good reminder that expectations and goals can be limiting. Because really, you can do anything you put your mind to. Anything.
Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear says
Even though I would have loved to see a picture of that Greek sandwich I totally understand 😀
I started blogging after reading other food blogs for almost a year. I’ve been always interested in food and have been taking food pictures since… 2007 (which still drives my boyfriend crazy :D) and I just wanted to have a place where I can put my pictures, share my eats and interact with other like minded people. So far, I’m loving it and it’ already a part of my life 🙂
Tina says
I started my original blog as a journal for my competition prep. When I moved over to Faith, Fitness, & Fun I wanted it to be more about everything I am passion about and sharing it with others, while also learning from the community as well. I would say that has happened. Now I wonder where the blog will take me. If it will open up new opportunities or just end up being a basic thing. Only God knows!
actorsdiet says
i’d been reading food blogs for a long time and decided to start my own – it’s been a perfect creative outlet! actors have so much free time and it’s great to be able to write, take photos, and have an audience too!
Kara at MyWellnest says
Love Panera!
I started my blog because I went from super busy to super bored after graduating from graduate school and I needed something new to focus on and get excited about!
Heather (Where's the Beach) says
I randomly started blogging to try and share my love for exercise along with my love of food. I wanted to try to show that being vegetarian was far more than sprouts and tofu.
Anna says
I love that Panera sandwich!
I’d been reading food blogs for years (I remember I found Kath’s blog right when she first started blogging! I was so intrigued by the idea of someone blogging their daily eats!), and finally started my own only after going vegetarian as a way to hold myself accountable to my new choice, and as an incentive to try new recipes and keep things interesting in the kitchen.
hundredtenpounds says
That’s cool! I loved Julie & Julia! When I saw that movie I had no idea what a blog was, to be honest. I know, silly!
Becky says
Sorry I posted under a random account I am working on 😉 The last post about reading cookbooks at lunch was from me.
pritchardfamilyministries says
I’m glad you’re blogging. And you are great at it. Keep it up girl.
And keep reading cookbooks at lunch time…much better than reading novels 🙂