I don’t know about where y’all live, but autumn is still in full swing here in Arkansas. The trees are still changing, there is a lingering crispness in the air and the sun still shines brightly. The nights get darker faster, but the days are so intensely beautiful that it almost doesn’t matter.
Autumn is one of those times that make me sit back and, exploring the beauty of what surrounds me, reflect. The colors are brighter and more vibrant. The trees that we don’t take notice of the other 3/4 of the year are intensely beautiful during this one quarter. It’s a time for thankfulness and for harvesting the fruits of what we’ve sewn all year long. It’s a time to sit around the table and share – both our food and our hearts – with the ones we love. It’s a time to bring people in and a time to comfort.
This autumn I am even more sensitive to the notions of love, beauty, family, and thankfulness than usual. The past few years of our lives have brought a lot: new friendships and new places to live, the deaths of loved ones and miscarriage, the hope and incredible fruition of a sweet baby boy, the loss of a church that we loved so much, and a 1,000-mile move across the country. I feel now, more than ever, the happy burden of seeing God’s beautiful plan for our lives woven through all of that. And I look forward to the future because I know, looking back, that whatever is in front of us is all part of a bigger plan.
Autumn is, as quoted below, a season for enjoying the fullness of life and embracing change, and I welcome it with open arms.
“The season for enjoying the fullness of life — partaking of the harvest, sharing the harvest with others, and reinvesting and saving portions of the harvest for yet another season of growth.”
Denis Waitley
I have found intense comfort in this season. The weather (cool, cloudy, wet) is reflecting the heartache of my miscarriage, whereas the summer sun almost seemed to be mocking my hurt.
I’m so sorry to hear of your miscarriage Katie 🙁 I’ll be honest, I don’t think the heartache ever goes away, although God truly does work for good in everything. I’m sure you have a million people telling you how to heal, but I will say that reading Heaven is for Real helped me immensely. That being said, it’s OK to feel how you feel.
Praying for you sweetheart
I love the colors but i hate the darker nights. . .here in Seattle almost all the leaves are on the ground. . .
all of our leaves are starting to fall now, which is great except our back yard is massive! nate has his work cut out 😉
So Pretty!
Heather, I so enjoy all the beautiful photos you are posting ane really look forward to your Blog every day. You are a Real Inspiration and Little Weston is such a Blessing to my life. Thanks for being YOU.
Just beautiful.
And this is the quote I’m taking away, “I feel now, more than ever, the happy burden of seeing God’s beautiful plan for our lives woven through all of that.”
Absolutely gorgeous pictures and I love that quote! We’re hoping Austin gets some fall but aren’t too sold on it yet. At least it’s no loss for me since I’m from Florida and fall doesn’t exist there. 🙂