care/of vitamins. I’m always on the search for better vitamins and supplements, because as much as I would love to get everything we need from food the reality is that it’s not happening 100% all the time. I love being able to utilize great products to help fill in those gaps, and care/of does that! You can sign in, take a quiz about your needs, and they will point you toward different supplements that may be better for you. You get the last say, so if you want to add or take away from their suggestions you can, and then you get a month’s worth shipped to your house! So easy, and I really enjoyed this service this month – not to mention the great product!
Beautycounter Protect Sunscreen Face Stick. I love this stuff so much, y’all. I love that I can throw it in my bag and have it whenever/wherever. I love that my boys like it when I apply it to their faces/bodies. I love that it’s safer and that when I buy one I’m voting for safer for everyone with my dollars. And truthfully I love that it works! (Plus there’s a sale on them right now – 20% – while supplies last).
La Croix Pure. I’ve been a big fan of sparkling water for about 2 years now, but I’ve always felt that I needed it to be flavored. Then I tried it plain and I think I may be completely in love! I usually drink two of these a day – one after lunch and one after dinner – and something about it feels like such a treat! Definitely helps change up my intermittent fasting game a little so I don’t crave as much after dinner’s over!
Movie Tavern. Total transparency: I have been doing some work with Movie Tavern over the past couple of months, but this mention is in no way sponsored – I just really love what they’re doing! The food is great, the movies are fun, the seats are comfy, and I like that we can do all the things for a date night or girls’ night out in one spot. We will frequent our location long after my partnership with them is over, and it’s because they really do make it easy to have a great night out, for a date or for the whole family!
Nick, Jr. app on Roku. We officially cut the cord with cable over a year ago, and while there are times that I miss the options we had with cable, most of the time it’s fine and I don’t notice a difference. The only thing is that my boys have recently come to love Paw Patrol, and because we don’t have a cable package we can’t really watch it. Enter the Nick, Jr. app on Roku! While we don’t have unlimited access, the reality is that we don’t need it. The app lets us watch one free episode a week of each show, and has a ton of other content that my kids enjoy. And while we’ll be limiting (severely) the amount of TV they watch this summer, I really appreciate that we can count some of the Nick, Jr. shows as options.
Lorissa’s Kitchen. Um, yum. I eat a whole bag, which is 2 servings, every time. This jerky is consistently delicious, tender, and something I really enjoy eating. Plus it meets all the check marks for me with quality ingredients and is reasonably priced. All a win. All so yummy!
So there you have it! A few of my favorite things from April 2018 – what have YOU been loving this past month?!
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