Good morning everyone! It feels like I haven’t posted in FOREVER! It feels like this entire weekend has been one big blur…
Yesterday for lunch we ended up going to Chipotle for lunch. Nate got some chicken tacos:
I put his first because it was significantly healthier than mine and I thought maybe if I did that I could trick you guys 🙂 So let’s all just pretend that I had the chicken tacos, K? We got home and crashed before going to our pastor’s house for Raise the Mark (a church family prayer time). Seriously, this weekend was SO fun, but I’m worn out! I had graham cracker with creamy peanut butter and Bonne Maman cherry preserves:
Such an amazing snack! After Raise the Mark we hung out for a bit and I dug into these fabulous strawberries with Cherise and the kids:
OK, OK, fine, I had a brownie too 🙂 Dinner was a junior burger with mustard and a vanilla dish with hot fudge from Sonic, and we crashed yet again when we got home. I got this in the mail this weekend:
It’s a copy of my Papa’s Honorable Discharge certificate from the US Navy in 1946…how awesome is that? I come from a family of straight up rockstars 🙂
This morning I got up and did some yoga, then got ready and went to visit LeeAnn for PT/chiropractic. Y’all, I am not going to pretend like I know a ton about medicine, and I’ve never really had an injury before my knee issues, but she’s been helping my body heal itself for 2 weeks or so now, and I feel like I could run again! I’m not going to until she gives me the OK, but I am seriously thankful to have such a sweet, smart, and talented friend 🙂 Breakfast was a whole grain power sandwich from Panera:
I’m hoping that this week I can start waking up earlier to do my workouts in the morning. I would love to have a set time where I can do it all at once, which would ensure it actually gets done, and I think that the mornings are pretty much my only time to do that. It definitely means I need to budget my time more wisely and start going to bed earlier! Wish me luck on that one 🙂
This weekend was a blast, but at the same time I had a MAJOR breakdown yesterday. I just feel like, yet again, we’ve begun to overcommit ourselves and basically have no time to even think. There are so many things I want to do, so many people I want to hang out with and invest in, and so many ways that I want to change my life, and yet there are still only 24 hours in each day. I just feel like it’s getting more difficult by the day to accomplish everything I want to do, and I’m starting to get pretty worn down with it. Am I crazy? Does anyone else ever get this way? How do you deal?
Sorry for the anxiety-ridden ending to this post, but I really can’t think of anything else at this moment other than how we’re going to get through this alive. And on that note, Happy Monday! 🙂
I am totally craving graham crackers now. Haven’t had them in forever. I should make Ashley’s recipe stat…
I think a burrito is a yummier choice about 80% of the time…and yours looked great!
I always feel myself wishing there was more than 24 hours int he day–but I also know that I waste a lot of time during the day that I could be using to accomplish things. I always try to work on that, but it usually doesn’t go so well. Oh well, what ya gonna do?!
those chicken tacos are making me want some baja fish tacos lol
I totally feel you on over committing yourself…I have done that all semester this year…its like we just don’t have enough time to do EVERYTHING, but its all about prioritizing and time management (something I struggle with still).
i’m sorry you’ve had a hard time. 🙁 let’s talk soon!
I definitely feel overwhelmed plenty of days! Like today…but fortunately I am calming down now. LOL
Just try and take it one day at a time…sometimes I get really really stressed when I think too far into the future!
I LOVE Chipotle!!! One of my favorites! I like the burrito bowls and I dip my chips into it…mm!
Keith and I are total homebodies! We have the reverse problem and need to get out more!
You’ll be fine, you just need to get organised and remember to have a day off every week from all that other stuff. That’s how I cope, especially now that it’s getting very busy at work and I have A LOT of social commitments AND my boyfriend is travelling a lot at the moment so I always take at least a day to spend just with him at home 🙂
If you’re biggest trouble in life is wanting to do too many good things, you’re going to be A-okay. You’re on the right path. 🙂
Boy do I know that feeling! It feels like such a contradiction, wanting to be involved in so many things, wanting to experience all that life has to offer, and yet simultaneously feeling like if you don’t step away from it all you’ll go insane! Unfortunately I don’t really have any suggestions, other than to force yourself to take a break from it all even if you don’t feel like you need it, because eventually you will!
Loving that snack, by the way! The cherry preserves looks DELICIOUS! 🙂
Panera+ Chipotle all in one post!?!?!?! <3 <3
1) No burrito judgement! My Chipotle choices are usually significantly less healthy than John’s.
2) Great news about your knee, even better that you’re waiting for the doctor’s okay!
3) I’ve had a LOT of anxiety issues in the past, I’m dealing better with them now though it’s cropping up with finishing school/finding jobs/moving/blogging/running and all that. Just force yourself to have a night off doing something that’s all about you. If you get a little behind on work, or miss posting, or have to cancel once in awhile on a friend… it will make you better at all of that in the long run. I’m sure somewhere you KNOW that but just need to put it into practice! This is vague but email if you need to chat 🙂
I’m attempting, very very slowly to embrace “no” rather then my usual “well I’ll find a way to make it work”. With the hubbies work schedule and me working an icky schedule (joys of retail) lately, we are working on making sure we put the important things at the head of the list of to do’s. Time together, being active and healthy. Putting that into perspective has helped us a lot to embrace what is important and let the rest of the noise fall away.
We share a google calendar and sit down at the beginning of the week and plan out training, house cleaning, meal prep/planning, movie night/happy hour/walk together so we are on the same page and can support each other
i think feeling like we’re pulled a little thin is very common. it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed sometimes and i’ve found that actually scheduling a night in and treating it like a commitment or a date night can really help me feel rejuvenated.
also, i loved your chipotle “trick.” 😉 i would have ordered the burrito, too. 😀
I think we all get super overwhelmed from time to time. You just have to do the best that you can! And try to take it step by step, but above all you gotta do what ya love & enjoy the process! Hang in there, girlfriend.
Right there with you, Heather. How do you get everything done in 24 hours? Plus, with summer right around the corner, there are always more things to pull you in multiple directions. For us, with Baby on the way, we’ve had to slow down and say ‘no’ to even more things… but it always makes us appreciate the things we do get to go and the down time we get together.
Hahaha I love that you tried to “trick” us. Don’t worry, no judgement here! Your graham cracker with pb and preserves looks SO yummy 🙂
First off… sounds like maybe a little hormone related anxiety?
Second, hugs!
Third, maybe you need to write down your priorities? Like, really write them down. God, husband, family, job, working out, blogging… however they end up on your list. That might help make things more rational and cut off any freaking-out at the knees.
First, the Certificate looks awesome! What a cool thing to have.
Second, YES I can totally relate to you feeling stressed. I tend to overbook my entire life with friends, work, working out, training for crap, doing fun stuff on the weekends…Most of the time my weekends are so busy I want to cry on Monday AM because I need a break.
Hmmm I don’t really have this problem because we are giant homebody’s and would rather stay at home than be social. 😉
I’m somewhat kidding, but I know what you mean on other fronts – there is alot I want to do!
Feeling the same way… feel like there is so much I want to do and instead of doing any one thing well, I’m doing bits & pieces of each thing half-a**ed. Ugh!
The same thing happened to me a while ago and I found a solution that worked for me. For a few days, I just relaxed. I didnt do anything on my list. I didnt work towards any goals. I just took time off from life, woke up, went to work, came home & read books. Ran when I wanted to. Didnt work on my new business, didnt blog, and took off all the pressure. After a few days, I was ready to start fresh and take things step by step.
Hope it helps to know you’re not alone!
I am SO with you. Last night, it was 8pm and I was finally sitting down to just rest for the first time all weekend. And, I hadn’t even done everything I set out to do. The more time passes, the more I realize I should be spending my time doing what I love. You are not alone. Honestly, I’m dealing right now by crying a lot. I can’t seem to change the situation I am in right now. I am working on the future by being in school but that doesn’t change the right here right now.