What’s everyone planning for the 4th this year?! It’s always so much fun to plan outdoor get-togethers, spend time with family and friends, and get ready for the fireworks show to start. Honestly, for the past couple of years, we haven’t done a lot in the way of events because figuring out how to have a kid on a holiday with explosives is a little hard.
BUT. Now we’re sort of semi-pros in having children (really, is anyone ever truly a PRO?) and can really start looking forward to celebrating our nation’s birthday with the rest of the world again! Can I get an amen?!
Another plus? The event is totally family-friendly, which means everyone WILL love it. Sometimes with kids it feels like things can be all or nothing, but when there’s something we will all truly enjoy? Well, let’s just say it’s rare and so I get kind of giddy when it happens!
And you know what? Even if you can’t make this free event, you can join the fun at another concert another time – just check out the schedule here!
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